by ChynnaDoll » May 15th, 2007, 6:12 pm
Sojurner wrote:
I know that not everyone qualifies, but is exclusivity all this is about?
First of all, CONGRATULATION'S to you Miss thang!!:+)..a true honor!
Well being a professor at Albany State University for 22 years lended me an ear to know a little something about the philosophy of various sororities and fraternities. I personally was not a part of any during my undergraduate nor graduate years because i just didn't have the time to be fully devoted and maintain my studies simultaneously. However, in my opinion, to be associated with THIS society in particular, is a very "prestigeous and honorable" thing. Like you've already expressed, I too agree they are verrrrry "selective" in determining whom they will consider becoming members, and what i love also and consider to be a beneficial factor, is that there is a plethora of opportunities available for all who qualify, and in "all" academic disciplines, and as you already know it comprises the BRIGHTEST and the BEST professionals and scholars there are from all over. There are also various Awards and Scholarship competitions available IF won, that will afford you the opportunity to further the pursuit of "excellence" in your chosen field. One of them is the Phi Kappa Phi Scholar Award, and ther other is the Phi Kappa Phi Artist etc. The Scholar Award is where recognition is given to the "excellence" in teaching, and in public service you've demonstrated, and definitely in the area of research which would be applicable to you i believe. The Artist Award is given to members who've achieved much in there "specific" talents, might it be in the area of performance, fine arts. There's the Literacy Grant, and the opportunity to Study Abroad, which my daughter Errin expericienced for a year in Brazil during her 11th grade school year..(just threw that!)
So in my humble opinion, i don't think it's just all about "exclusivity" i really do think there is something MORE going on in this society, and judging from what i've read about your academic journey so far, they've inducted the PERFECT person:+))
Hey Sojo..pleas eforgive me...i didn't mean to write a thesis here...LOL! I guess it's just the professor in me!!!:+)