by Sojourner » December 6th, 2006, 5:45 am
Yup, peer pressure always works!
Wow, a thread about me being missed--I feel so special--even if y'all called me a smartass and a scamp! Actually, because of it! Muahaha!!
Well, I AM alive and kicking, but that's about it! I'm SO sorry that I've not been able to hit the boards lately. School is keeping me pretty busy, as is family life, but mostly I've had massive computer AND internet problems...just in time for Finals. Yikes!
I really, really, REALLY miss everyone. I'm still on program, but have not lost anything for weeks. In fact, I'm bouncing up and down from 170 to 175 or so. Never below 170 so that I can claim my 50# club...which I would SO do!! Very frustrating. I know it's a combination of sleep deprivation and my eating schedule being so out of whack. Plus, plateaus just happen, right? This semester is over next week, and after that I'm hoping to sort out my schedule so that it's more Medi-friendly. It's also very difficult to get all my water in when I'm in class all day...I can't keep running to the restroom every 15 minutes like I do at home! But, I'm still on the wagon, I'm just kind of hanging onto the running boards right now.
I do try to pop in and read some posts every chance I get, but it's been pretty infrequent. Hopefully I'll be able to post a longer message this weekend.
I feel horrible that I've missed some very important milestones for everyone. Please know that I'm thinking of each and every one of you (not gonna' name names this time...I done learnt my lesson there!), and am SO proud of all of your accomplishments. As I said, I've been trying to read some posts, so I'm not up-to-snuff with what everyone has been forgive me for not acknowledging you if you've reached a milestone or goal.
Ok, I lied...I have to give a shout out to my soul sister Jo. You are awesome, as everyone knows! I'm so happy for you, you have no idea! I yelped out loud (like, REALLY loud!) in computer lab when I read that you'd reached goal! Everyone was staring at me as I sat there with a big ol' goofy grin plastered on my face! YOU ROCK!!!
Thanks to everyone for your concern! I'll be back soon with all my irreverant comments and snide remarks! It sounds like Bikipatra has been filling in for me though! are hysterical! I look forward to getting to know you in the very near future! Keep up the great work everyone!
Con mucho amor!
Shake it gone, babeee!!!