Smoked Salmon and smoked deli turkey

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Smoked Salmon and smoked deli turkey

Postby disney..lover » February 20th, 2006, 9:38 am

Can we have smoked salmon or smoked deli turkey or chicken as part of our L+G meal???

I checked the smoked salmon yesterday and it has 0 carbs and 0 sugar.

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Postby falisamarie » February 20th, 2006, 9:48 am

I am not to sure about the deli meats I guess it all depends on what they use to flavor them. Just ask the deli worker to see the ingredients on them. I stay away from them mainly because I retain water easily and I know they have a lot of salt. My favorite BBQ place has smoked turkey which I love so I really thought that I could go there every now and then for my lean and green but I called and asked and sure enough there is sugar in it. So I guess that it will have to wait till maintenance.

Oh well like Nancy says "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"

Another one I heard on here "Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want today"

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Postby JustLynda » February 20th, 2006, 9:55 am

Mmmm...smoked salmon...yummy!

I'm only on day 3, so I can't speak from experience. Is salmon considered a "lean" fish--I know it has more fat than other seafood. Maybe someone with more experience will shed some light. I hope the answer is "yes!"
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Postby Nancy » February 20th, 2006, 11:16 am

I am amazed at how many meats are injected with sodium and other flavor enhancers. Some have MSG and others are basted with sauces such as what you describe Falisamarie.

My mother has kidney disease and must limit her sodium and her protein to specific amounts per day.

Several years ago it took me quite a while to locate a truly 'natural' turkey. I try very hard to purchase foods that are not injected with chemical stuff and therefore it costs a bit more but I feel it is worth it.

Many meat products that we find in the Deli are really very lean these days, if the skin and the thin string of fat along the edge of the meat slices are removed, they should be all right. Most people are very busy with their family and their careers and they really do not have the time to shop for organic birds and roast them and that's why we go for our second-best choice the deli or restaurants.

Salmon is a bit fatty but it does have a 'good' kind of fat. We eat it 1-2 times a week, usually broiled or grilled with some seasoning. I buy fillets rather than the portions with the skin attached. Boiling and grilling allow the majority of the fat to drip away from the meat.

Tilapia, cod, halibut are also great choices. Red Lobster has a wonderful meal - Tilapia baked in a parchment bag with vegetables and lemon - just be sure to ask the waitstaff to not bring any Cheddar Bay biscuits to the table...I order the luncheon size portion.
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Postby JustLynda » February 20th, 2006, 11:28 am

Yay, salmon!!! Thanks for the info, Nancy.
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