So what about food? Tomorrow I'm declaring Independence from food. If I lived on a body of water I might "Tea Party" that mac n cheese thats been in my cupboard forever...
So I start my new job Wednesday and I'm excited. I met most of the small office on Friday. Its a woman-owned agency and pretty much everyone working there are women, skinny, thin women. Most are mothers too - which is an excuse I can't use for my weight gain. Ironically the one guy I'll be supervising is a vegan with a beer gut. I find it amusing that he's so careful about what he eats but then loves to "get wasted". Anyways I think being around these women will give me some incentive to stay on track. Unfortunately for me, my biggest obstacle is my husband. I think he doesn't really care how big I get so long as I paint my nails and wear lipstick when we go out.

In other news I've been keeping odd hours all weekend and so my eating schedule is all messed up. I was up at 6am two nights ago and hadn't eaten all night and I was RAVENOUS by the time I realized I was hungry. Then I slept til 10, had a shake but later took a (5 hour) nap... needless to say, I'll be happy once the work week starts and my schedule is a bit more structured. I feel like I'm drifting in and out of ketosis. Super energized then super tired.
Also, I had forgotten how thirsty you get when on Medifast. I've been drinking a full gallon of water a day. Every morning I seem to be opening a new bottle.