Lisa only you would calculate all the water you have had since starting!!!! You kill me girl!!!
I was very lucky because I have always liked water and drank at a minimum 8 glasses a day. So the water drinking wasn't an issue; however, I have stepped it up since starting MF and drink anywhere from 120 oz to 160 oz.
One day my husband was joking to see if I could actually drink 200 oz in a day and I took him up on it. He was only kidding and told me not to try but you can't challenge me and then back down - HA! So there I was chugging, peeing, chugging, peeing - ALL DAY!
Yup I made the 200 oz but I was up all night too! Plus, I think I may have made my kidneys work a tad too hard because I had "back" issues all the next day. I get kidney stones a lot and have alot of UTI's so I know what that feeling is and what it can mean.
Needless to say, I won't be trying to drink 200 oz again! But I can say that I did and hold the record in my family - hee hee.