Small slip last night

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Small slip last night

Postby Jeanette » November 15th, 2003, 10:43 am

Hi y'all--

I had a small slip last night. While I was waiting for a friend, I went into a convenience store to get a diet pop. The Pringles were sitting there on the shelf, calling my name! I looked at my watch--I missed a supplement! I bought one of the tiny cans of pringles and a zinger cake.

I went to my car and opened the can. It took me about ten minutes to eat five of the chips when FINALLY my friend called! Saved by the bell!

This has taught me a valuable lesson--BE PREPARED!

(Isn't that part of the Girl Scout motto or something?)

Have a great weekend!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby susan » November 15th, 2003, 3:43 pm

Jaenette, don;t beat your self up about the chips just get right back on the wagon and go on.I have learned to carry my shaker cup and a pkg. of shake.or a bar and a pack of fast soup in my purse and if i get helt up or something comes up and i don;t get back home in time for a shake I am prepared and I don;t worry about it .this has saved me before like at church one night they had snacks and everone tried to get me to eat so I said I;ll have a diet drink and I have a bar in my purse I need to eat and it worked out fine.Susan
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Postby Ellen » November 15th, 2003, 6:06 pm

Glad you got past the situation. I'd avoid the convenience stores for a while. The first few weeks are the hardest as far as food being tempting. It does get easier.

Remember the whole "ketosis" thing. If you eat "off plan" food, especially carbs, you can bring yourself out of ketosis and this in turn will make you even hungrier. The thought of this has kept me from giving in several times. I sure don't want to make things harder for myself.

I keep a couple of Medifast bars in my desk at work, and a couple in the glove compartment of my car (now that it is finally cold enough to leave them in there without melting). Now Nancy will probably slap my hands for saying this, but if I were out and about, and unable to have a shake, and I was tempted to eat other stuff, I'd munch on a bar even if I had already had one that day. I know we're supposed to only have one a day, but I think a second bar would be better than some junk food. I try really hard to keep myself 100% away from non-plan food. I am terrified of the whole slippery slope. Once I start justifying a bit of that or a little of this, I'm afraid I'd slip-slide into a full-fledged binge.

I'm sure you'll "be prepared" (that's the Boy Scout motto) from here on out. You'll do great!

Have a great shaking weekend,
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Postby Lois » November 16th, 2003, 4:10 pm

Hi Jeanette,

Oh well, we all make mistakes some times. It sounds like you learned a valuable time you'll be READY when those munchies call your name ;)

I'm so impressed that you were able to pick yourself up and get right back on track....that's GREAT :cleader: :cleader: :cleader:

Keep up the good work, girlfriend 8)


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Postby VK » November 17th, 2003, 5:46 am

Well it must have been temptation weekend for all of us. I was SERIOUSLY thinking about going out to take care of my cravings which were very odd and VERY strong. I wanted some Cheeze-Its (strange because I didn’t eat them often in “regular” life) some brownies and a chicken gyro. I wanted those 3 things more than anything! I was so tempted and since I cleared my house of everything except Medifast products, I had gotten dressed to go get the mad craving foods when I had to make a dash for the potty. I’m starting to wonder now if the laxative effect is part of the plan to keep us near our houses!
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Postby Nancy » November 17th, 2003, 10:50 pm

Yikes! Those temptations are working the west coast, too! :shock:

This is the time of year when we must choose each day what we're gonna do BEFORE we leave the house! Be prepared at all times. ;)

I have been tempted a lot lately, too. I know that I CAN have some goodies now and then but NOT every day! :x :x

Yep, Ellen, it is exactly RIGHT to have some extra bars stashed here and there. While the weight loss plan specifies but ONE bar a day, eating TWO bars is better than eating some other skanky thing that is laden with fat and sugar.

There were several times while I was on the weight loss portion that I NEEDED two bars. We were on a kayak trip in Kauai and I had over exercised in hot humid weather. I was shaky and hungry. I ate a second bar and it helped me immensely.

Yep, we can easily get out of ketosis if we slip up so for me, too, that hung over my head as a deterrent. I just didn't want to go thru the hungry stage for three days again.

Stash bars and fast soups all about!
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