Slower than expected

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Slower than expected

Postby HarmonyRose » October 3rd, 2005, 7:41 am

Hello all; I posted last week about my new job and the fact that I can't eat or drink at the workplace (WalMart Portrait Studio). So I just did the best that I could, and tried to stay with the program. I was hoping that with increased activity that it would work pretty well, anyway. However, after this week, I have only lost one additional pound. (that's 7 total for the first two weeks.) I HAVE to continue with my job, so this has to fit into my life. Today I will work for 7 hours (1pm until 8pm). It will be at least 9 pm before I can get home and have any shakes, etc. I didn't cheat at all last week; I just didn't get it all in, nor eat on time. And now that I am on the later shift for the week, it will be still harder. I chose this plan because I wanted to be able to lose at least 2 to 3 pounds per week, which I have never been able to do with anything else, no matter how faithful to the plan I have been. I don't want to feel discouraged, but I don't know if I should order another month's supply, if it isn't going to work for me. Isn't this a lot slower than most people's results? Sorry to whine, but I am so disappointed!! I really expected so much more.
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Postby 24KaratGold » October 3rd, 2005, 8:43 am

No, a slow weight loss either Week 2 or Week 3 is to be expected. If you do your research around here, you'll see that that is a common pattern. Stay compliant, don't be discouraged, and the scale will start moving again. For me it was at Week 4 and Week 5, where I lost only half a pound each week.

Of course, a slow loss may also have something to do with the fact that you aren't actually following the program. You stated that you "can't get it all in." If you aren't eating the minimum amount required on this program, you won't lose weight because your body will think it's in starvation mode and will fight to hold on to every last ounce for sheer survival's sake. It's really not fair for you to blame the program if you aren't following it.

I don't know what state you live in, but most states have laws that require that employees who work a certain number of hours get a certain minimum break during the work day. If you aren't getting them, likely your employer is breaking the law. I would do some research on that point as well and find out what you are entitled to. In California, for example, if you work six hours or more they must give you a half hour minimum lunch. I cannot believe that it is legal for them to make you work seven hours without a break that would be long enough for you to mix a shake and drink it. Check it out.

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Postby betz » October 3rd, 2005, 9:13 am

That seems like pretty good progress to me. You really do have to have all of those supplements. This isn't a case of 'Less being Better". You've got to get that water in, too. Not all at once but all during the course of the day.

Also, you need to work on the timing. Three hours with no nutrition is gonna make your body hold on to that stored energy.

I wouldn't give up--this is really the most amazing program. You've got to follow it more strictly, though.

If I were you I'd buy the ready to drink shakes for the time I'm at work, stuff 'em in my purse and drink them on bathroom breaks every three hours. It sounds crazy and a little over the top but this is about your health--they can't stop you from using the bathroom!

Seven pounds in two weeks isn't good? Boy oh boy... :) It took me 4 weeks to lose that much! I'm jealous :D

Hang in there girlie :)
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2-3 pounds per week

Postby Jan » October 3rd, 2005, 9:33 am

You have lost 7 pounds in two weeks. That seems like 3.5 pounds per week to me. That is great. On this program (as any other) your weight loss averages out. Our bodies do not lose at an even rate. Lots of things effect us. Hormones, stress, even that new job. And everyone is right
--.Not eating all you need to will s l o w down your weight loss. :( I can't imagine working anywhere that would not allow a bathroom break. I think taking a RTD to the potty with you is a great idea if that's the way you must do it. Try to be very compliant with the program. The weight will come off. I'm sure you've heard us all say "don't mess with medifast' :D
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Postby Lady Bug » October 4th, 2005, 12:46 pm

Hi Hamony:

Hey, don't be discouraged. :| 7 lbs is great and you should be very happy with that. :yes: Do insist with your employer that you need and should have a 24K said "It's the law". No need to beat your self up :hammerhead: over the 7 lbs cuz you are doing great!!!

Keep on shakin' :toast: and drinkin' :water: cuz this works.

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Postby Mommy2girls » October 4th, 2005, 8:02 pm

Oh I absolutely agree with 24K, (she IS a lawyer you know :shock:) you not only NEED a break, but BY LAW you should get one. You are only working 1 hour less than a FULL 8 HOUR SHIFT, and most states allow not only 2 breaks but a LUNCH HOUR during an 8 hour shift. They simply cannot force you to go 7 hours without being able to stop and drink/eat SOMETHING! Yeesh!

That being said, you are doing fine. I think sometimes when we diet, if our expectations are too high, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Realize that everyone is different, your body is adjusting to this, and give yourself time. Remember that the weight did not leap on your body overnight, so don't expect it to all be gone tomorrow.

Follow the plan, look into any job that won't allow a BREAK and you will continue on the train to thinsville!!!

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Postby HarmonyRose » October 5th, 2005, 7:38 am

Good morning;
Thought I should do a follow-up and up-date on my progress. Even though I have had to modify the times that I eat (and drink!) during the day because of my job, I was very surprised to see that I have lost 2 more pounds just since Monday!!! That brings me up to a total of 9 1/2 in the 16 days that I have been doing this! For me, and the fact that I have had to change my schedule, I think that is very good. So, this is very good proof that Medifast is a great product, and it does work. I am sure that slow weeks are coming up, but it seems to balance out. So if anyone is wondering, I am a good example of how great this can be. I will keep in touch.
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Postby tumbleweed » October 5th, 2005, 7:45 am

Hi HarmonyRose!
Wow your doing wonderful!! Yes medifast is a great product. We all have slow weeks heck I have even had slow months but it all adds up and we will all end up with new bods!!!! Its fun isnt it! :D
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Postby betz » October 5th, 2005, 7:48 am

YAY! Good for you HarmonyRose!!
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