Slow loser needs support!

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Slow loser needs support!

Postby » June 3rd, 2005, 12:02 pm

Anyone else out there a slow loser like I am? I have to's a bit depressing to *once again* be losing so much slower than many others. This has happened to me with other weight loss plans I've tried in the past 10 years. Yes, I understand about metabolism slowing down (I'm 41) and that all people are different. I even understand that some who have lots more to lose (I want to lose 35 lbs) might lose more quickly, especially in the beginning. However, I have seen others who have a similar amount to lose doing so much more quickly than I seem to be.

I'm not cheating. I'll give this plan that and more. It's not too hard to NOT cheat. I'm mostly satisfied, with a few fluctuations in appetite that have been manageable so far. I do the full plan for about 5 days a week and the 5-1 plan for the other two days.

I'm reasonably active. I was doing Curves before I started and have kept it mostly up (harder now that the kids are out of school). I walk several days a week. I should probably add that I have always been a big water drinker - 3-4 quarts a day at least, and have of course continued that habit.

I have a physical every year and so far my thyroid function is in range (I have a small benign thyroid nodule that the endocrinologist says shouldn't cause me problems).

So here I sit, on my 4th week of the program down between 5-7 lbs from my start weight (variance is because I hate weighing myself and the scale fluctuates so darn much AND my starting weight was on a different scale than my home scale).

I'm not thumbing my nose at my weight loss - anything downward is GREAT, I know. I just want to lose more quickly. I have goals like everyone else and IM NOT MEETING THEM! Argggggh!

Ideas? Commiseration? Shoulders? I know I need to just buck up and move forward but I'm having a little pity party now! And maybe I'm just in need of a little motivation too....
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Postby Mommy2girls » June 3rd, 2005, 12:57 pm

Hi Susan,

Don't dispair! It can be hard or it can be motivating to come to a public forum like this and see that someone has dropped 20lbs in a week or that someone has moved so quickly down the weight loss trail, that you don't see them anymore!

I guess all I can say is to know that you are working the program and doing you personal best.

I'm not a health advisor, and certainly no physician, but I would pull out your MF guide and re-read everything. Since you are past the initial 4 weeks of "rest" period, I don't think that exercising should be a problem, walking and Curves a few times a week sounds reasonable to me. Are you drinking all of your water? I was in a 2lb per week "rut" for 3 weeks solid and when I upped my water intake I lost 4lbs that week. :water:

The other thing that I have heard Nancy say is to measure your food. Don't eyeball the portions if you have any doubt. 2 days a week shouldn't be too hard to do the measuring for that 5&1 meal. Are you under a physician's care?? If so, I would go with their weight measurements OR start using your home scale and call that good.

I currently only weigh myself once a week. I had to basically tell myself that this was more than just a weight-loss program, this was a GET ME HEALTHY PROGRAM, so that the weight wouldn't be my primary focus.

You mention 5-7lbs loss in 4 weeks. Well, start right now, jot down your weight today, then in a week weigh again on the same scale and jot that down (I've found it helps me to track mine) then you can say, "hey I lost 2lbs this week", not 2-4 type of stuff. You are letting the scale control your head, and you need to let it guide you, not control you!

I know how dissapointing it is to have the scale not agree with your healthy eating habits, so start focusing on other things like clearing out your arteries from past debris, celebrate what you have lost and keep working towards your goal. YOU CAN DO IT!!!


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Postby doglover » June 3rd, 2005, 1:53 pm

HI Susan - I am sorry that you are having slow going at it! I totally understand as I have had more slow weeks than fast! One thing you might want to do is post your schedule of eating, maybe someone will see some glitch that could help.

Since I don't have any answers I will give you a shoulder. It's ok, we'll be here for you no matter how long it takes :hug:
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Postby Tk » June 3rd, 2005, 4:09 pm

Susan, I am also a slow loser. And that Nodule on your thyroid is a problem. I had my thyroid removed because I had 8 nodules on both sides of my thyroid. You might want to see another endocronologist for a 2nd opinion. Normal TSH Range is 1-2, anything higher or lower (like in the minus) is not normal. You should always ask what your count is, I learned the hard way and suffered many years. Anyways, I have about 90 lbs to lose, and I am taking it one day at a time. I didn't gain the weight overnight so I know i would lose it overnight. Just hang in there. This is a good plan. I am just finishing my 5th week and have lost 13 lbs so far. This (my 5th week) I am down 1 lbs. Good luck and keep up the good work!!!
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Postby Seaside » June 3rd, 2005, 5:36 pm

Thanks, Tk, for sharing your story. I've lost about 14 lbs. in about that same time (5 weeks -- joined in January but was not on the program til mid-late April). It may be slow, but boy what a difference just those few pounds makes! Don't you think? I'm thrilled and so motivated to go on. If I sat down and thought about how far I still need to go, it would be doggone daunting! But now that I know what a difference even 10 lbs makes, I don't worry about the total amount. Slow and steady wins the race -- I like Christi (LilMissTexas') concept of "mini-goals". Waaay better than my MAXI goal!

Today I had a meeting with my new co-workers at my new place of employment, where I start Monday. It's a consulting firm, so I won't be in the classroom but one night a week but I am really excited to start anew. MediFast will be there, and easy to do so I don't have to worry about falling into the "bad food" trap! Yay!
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Postby tnanock » June 3rd, 2005, 5:42 pm


I'm no expert by any means but my suggestion would be that you need to be doing the 5 & 1 everyday. Since you are so active and you have a "smaller" amount to lose, your body may be thinking it is starving and holding on to everything. :huh:


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Slow weight loss

Postby Jan » June 3rd, 2005, 8:39 pm

Hi there,
It seems discouraging to have a slow weight loss but just remember you are losing!! Your body is adjusting and you are getting healthier. I know we all like to lose weight FAST. (I'm sure I gained my weight overnight and I want it gone overnight too :D ) Each of us is an individual and our bodies respond differently -- but your body is responding. I would suggest sticking dilligently with the program but stay off the scale for awhile. I know that's hard to do :x :x ( I generally only weigh every 2 - 3 weeks -- I'm somewhat of a slow loser too and I find this is more encouraging for me.) I didn't notice how long (how many minutes) you exercise. You need to limit your exercise to no more than 45 miniutes at a time -- more can affect weight loss. Your body may surprise you and lose a little faster at some time. Hang in there it WILL come off!!
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Postby Tk » June 4th, 2005, 9:56 am

Hello Seaside,
Yes, I can't belive what a diffrence 10 lbs can make. My clothes fit better and some are big!! My energy is much better and I am no longer tired by 2pm. Chrisit (lilmstexas) is a great motivater. I especially love her posts. Everyone on this forum is motivation for me.

I was very skceptical when i started this program. I thought, one more diet one more faliure. But this is by far the best plan I've been on and the longest I've been on with success!!! I know Susan can make it work!!!
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Postby victoria7 » June 4th, 2005, 4:59 pm

Everybody seems to have good advice for you! I, too, think you should get a 2nd opinion on your thyroid... How do you sleep? I know that when I didn't sleep (I have a Sleep Disorder, Sleep Apnea), I couldn't lose weight to save my life---literally! Now that I'm sleeping, my metobolism is gearing up and I'm feeling so much better... Sleeping is just as important as Eating Well and Getting Exercise.

Keep it up! Slow losing is better than not being a loser at all!!!
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Postby dlr2424 » June 4th, 2005, 6:07 pm

Susan...........I hear you LOUD & CLEAR.........I'm right with you on losing slow........ :roll: matter all the good you hear...(at least your losing.....some lose don't have as much to lose....on & on) still can't help but be a tad bit disappointed.... :hugblue: ........yes........intellectually...we know we are in the right direction............but emotionally it can be disheartening when the scale takes forever to move........... :scratch: advice would be..............continue to be 100% compliant as you have been...... :thumbup: to your HA...just in case your plan needs tweeking...........pray for patience.... :angel: .....and 5 months down the road you will be reaping the rewards of your faithfullness.... :yes: ....we all get to goal sooner or our case it may be later than we had hoped..... :huh: .......but we will reach can have both my shoulders..........I feel your agony...............but KEEP SHAKIN.......... ;)

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Postby » June 4th, 2005, 7:22 pm

Ooooh you guys did it! Thank you so much for your replies. Sometimes it just helps to hear the obvious, or hear that someone else is also struggling (I hate that misery loves company though) but keepin' on!

I am taking all the advice to heart. I WILL get my thyroid nodule re-examined, I have plans to get to the dr this month. I am considering doing the 5-1 plan for more days per week. And, I WILL consistently use my home scale. Curves had me weigh with my shoes on, and everyone knows they add at least 3 lbs :D

Thank you all again - I'll keep at it. I'm glad it's so easy to stick to.
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Postby martha » June 4th, 2005, 8:51 pm

Susan--I too think you should keep a journal of what you eat and especially measure everything.. I wasn't at first but Nancy reminded me to do this and I think it helped.. also i wasn't drinking all of the shakes each day and believe me it will slow your weight loss down.. I too think you should do the 5 and 1 meal plan since you are going to curves and walking each day.. your body can think it is starving just like tnanock said and hold on to everything for fuel to make it through each day.. good luck --Martha
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Postby LilMsTexas » June 5th, 2005, 4:39 am

I go to Curves too and I believe you should FOR SURE do the 5-1 on exercise days. If you are doing that workout correctly you are seriously burning some calories and then your body doesn't even have enough fuel to burn if you're not eating. I eat a bar on the way there and then I have dinner as soon as I get home.

And tell those crazy women at Curves you are weighing withOUT your shoes. What's up with that??
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