A slightly diminished pep in my step!

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A slightly diminished pep in my step!

Postby Lauren » March 8th, 2007, 8:06 am

Good morning, folks! Well, all of my posts have been enthusiastic about all my renewed energy and pep in my step - which is true - but sometimes life interferes...

Don't worry, I didn't fall off the wagon!

On Monday night, while walking home from work, I got hit by a car! Yeah, I know, crazy, right? Who gets hit by a car? Well, I was airborne (gotta thank the weight loss for that one), and then landed on my back and head. This could've been the end of things for me, or at least the end of walking, but someone or something was looking out for me, because here I am, still a functioning individual! Of course I had the whole emergency room fun, back board, neck brace, yada yada, insuring that I didn't have a spinal injury. But thank goodness I did not. And even better - I WALKED out of the hospital! All of this just shows how damn lucky I am, and I probably should've played the lottery the other day!

A couple funny things were going through my mind while I was sprawled out in the middle of a Manhattan avenue with people's faces looming over me: 1) Thank god I'm not wearing a skirt, because all my business would be out to the world. 2) If I hadn't lost the weight, this would be so unbelievably humiliating, and I would've somehow blamed being fat on being hit by a car. 3) I wonder if this crowd would be as concerned if I were still obese. 4) Oh crap, what does this mean for my daily running routine? 5) Those lucky ambulance guys have no idea how much of a nightmare this could've been if it had happened a year ago - lifting me onto the ambulance? Wouldn't have been fun.

It's amazing that even in that moment of wondering if I was okay, it all went right to the weight. Kinda says something to the significance our weight has on our lives, eh?

The bad news is that I have some very significant bumps, bruises, and soft tissue damage in my back. Walking isn't horrible, but sitting, getting up, bending over and side to side, not to mention lifting and the worst - opening doors - are all a nightmare. I am freaking out about suddenly stopping all exercise, what that means for the diet, the maintenance, and then getting back into the exercise world. Fortunately, my doctor referred Rehab/PT, and I went there yesterday, and will be doing 3x a week with a PT specialist, with a doctor overseeing it, who will keep me mobile and build back the strength in a safe way. In the meantime, I am walking slowly, to just try to keep things moving, and trying to eat kind of like transition time - minimal extras. I refuse to let this be a setback, but it's scary as hell. I am sure you all understand.

Anyway, that's it. This will be a true test, and I look forward to reporting about my pep in my step again soon!

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Postby Unca_Tim » March 8th, 2007, 8:26 am

geeeesh Lauren!

So glad to hear you made it through it.
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Postby Lauren » March 8th, 2007, 8:29 am

Ha! My mom said that too! A few years ago, when I was moving into my new apartment (which I bought, so it was so exciting), the movers dropped my huge entertainment unit and it fell forward - on my head! Yep! Had to get like 16 stitches, and my whole head was blue and swollen. But I didn't get knocked out, no concussion, it's crazy! My friend said I may be wise to insure my head! :-)

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Postby electra000 » March 8th, 2007, 8:35 am

Lauren, so glad that you are alright! My goodness you are a very lucky girl! Why did the driver hit you? That is sooo scary! :shock: Anyway, hope you are as good as new in no time at all! ;)
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Postby katieb920 » March 8th, 2007, 8:35 am


OMG What a story........... IF you need anything anything at all. Just ask. Get Better soon. If you need someone to talk to just ask.... I live right in New Jersey So I am here for you.
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Postby Karli » March 8th, 2007, 8:42 am

Lauren, I am SO happy that you are okay. I think that the spirit and attitude that you maintain can't help but aid in your healing process, as well as your sense of expectency in getting back to your normal routine. So, isn't it interesting that getting back to your normal routine is what it is for you now ?

I really get all of those thoughts that went through your head. And, you are going to come through this with flying colors, I just know it.

Take care,
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Postby nickieluv » March 8th, 2007, 9:23 am


I'm so glad you're going to be OK. This could have been a tragedy but I hope you don't think ill of me for laughing a bit at your post - about the things that went through your head. Yes, it is amazing how much weight controls our lives.

Here's to you getting back to normal! You will make it through just fine - you have a plan that will work for you.
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Postby MusicalMomma » March 8th, 2007, 9:49 am

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Lauren!!
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Postby Lauren » March 8th, 2007, 10:16 am

Thanks so much, ladies, for all your kind words and support and well wishes!

And yes, Karli, normal has become this new eating and exercise regimen, and I want that "normal" to continue!


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Postby Seaside » March 8th, 2007, 10:57 am

Glad you are OK, Lauren -- that had to be terrifying. I do hope that the person who hit you stopped to make sure you were ok. And if they were in the wrong, I hope that they were nabbed.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » March 8th, 2007, 2:50 pm

Oh Lauren i am so glad you're alright...you were real lucky...in time, you'lll be your ole' self again:+) I heard a similar story myself this morning. My daughter called and said her car had just been TOTALED:+( but she her husband and my 2 little grandkids were alright. By the grace of God she is still here. She said a man in a black RUV was trying to pass them in quite a hurry and clipped the back end of her car and spun them around until they landed nose-down in a ditch...thank God there was snow to sort of cushion the landing...she lives in Syracuse, NY and it was snowing very hard there this morning...but guess what?...the driver didn't even stop or anything...just kept on going...people can be RUTHLESS sometimes..but the police came shortly after and will be investigating this accident further...other people were nice enough to stop and help them out of the car to safety...she was lucky the car didn't explode. Anyway, i'm glad you're alright and Congrat's on making your goal!

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Postby Tawanda » March 8th, 2007, 3:06 pm

Lauren, what a frightening time! I'm so glad that you weren't hurt any worse than you are and that you are already working with a PT. Oh how that must have (and still must) hurt!!!!!
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Postby Sojourner » March 8th, 2007, 8:28 pm

You were turned sideways to the driver, weren't you?
You're so damn skinny now, that when turned sideways
you can't be seen - :lol: .

I'm so glad that you were not seriously injured,
and I'm sure you'll jump right into the rehab/pt with Lauren-gusto!

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Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby bdg » March 8th, 2007, 10:01 pm


I hope to hear that you are feeling tons better soon! So glad the damage wasn't worse. Being thinner definitely has its advantages as that will likely help you recover faster. Good luck and keep us all posted! We all want Lauren to get back to her running and maintaining routine.
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Postby Mike » March 8th, 2007, 10:43 pm

Glad you are okay.... and glad you have such a positive look at it all.
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