Slight Fall off the Wagon but Learned Very Important Lessons

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Slight Fall off the Wagon but Learned Very Important Lessons

Postby Alisha » August 8th, 2005, 11:05 am

Hi everyone, I hope this post finds you all well and happily slurping your way to slimness!

Well, I had a very bizarre weekend but, after debating whether or not to go public (out of the shame of it all) I changed my mind and decided to share because of the lessons (and very valuable lessons) I learned.

I went to an all day band festival on Friday and I had been looking forward to it for months. I took a backpack with me, had one shake before I left, took 3 more with me and a few other bits. (Water was not allowed because you HAD to to buy it there and spend $3 per 16 oz bottle!) So, from noon I was outside in about 94 degree weather and God only knows the heat and/or humidity index. I was sweating like a stuck pig, mainly from being fat, wearing cropped jeans (because there was NO way you'd get me in shorts) and the heat in general. I drank water all day and supped my shakes like a very good girl. I wanted a Gatorade SO badly, but I wouldn't let myself have one because of the sugar.

Well stupid me! Just before the very last band played (about 7:30pm) I found myself in the Medical tent from a close call of heat stroke. Despite the water and sunblock, I was boarderline tachia cardic (I have no idea of the spelling) and had my vitals taken 4 times. I drank another water and finally allowed them to give me Gatorade. I was so proud of myself for sticking to plan but cursed myself at the same time for not having the Gatorade. Wow, did that knock me for a loop!

Then on Sunday, I was absolutely starving! I don't know if it was the recovery from losing so much fluid on the Friday, just one of those days or what, but nothing helped - 4 pickles, 2 bouillon and 2 shakes later, I could have eaten my left foot! After the voices in my head argued for about four hours, I finally gave in and went to Burger King. (The shame of it, I know!).

BUT! This is the kicker. In having this little slip, I learned some things which almost makes me glad I fell! Firstly, the food did NOT taste very good. The first fry was great, but it went steadily downhill from there. Secondly, I could not binge like I used to! In fact, I couldn't even finish ONE burger! After throwing the majority of it all away, I quickly realized that I felt nasty. My stomach bloated up, my IBS kicked off (albeit mildly) and I bet I slept all of 2 hours last night. Everytime I woke up I caned myself for doing that and kept asking why did I do it??

After scraping myself out of bed this morning, it finally hit me. I did it, but I LEARNED from it. I learned that although I still suffer with binge/obsessive eating disorder and always will, it no longer RULES me. I may slip up, but thanks to MF, I don't fall nearly as long and hard because the difference in feeling good on MF and so poorly on junk is like night and day!! I also realized that food LOOKS much better than it tastes, it wastes money (the junk) and it really serves no purpose! And even more importantly, I realized that I have now gained the strength to get back in the saddle after an 'oops!' That was the most monumental thing of it all because now I know that once I hit goal, I can MANAGE it!!

So, after that odd ordeal, I'm pleased to say that today has been shakes and 80oz (or more) of water as usual, and I'm "back in the saddle, again...." with new weapons to use against those things which tempt me!

Yaahooooooooooooo! Giddiyup!

Alisha :rose:
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Postby martha » August 8th, 2005, 2:18 pm


WOW you had an ordeal didn't you..You tried so hard to do right but sometimes things happen and we have no control at all over them.. You did all the right things--shakes-water and then heat stroke sypthoms(sp) and that my friend is serious stuff.. Glad to see you were able to walk away on your own..
It seems you tried hard with all the bouillon and pickles and shakes on Sunday too.For that I am proud of you..You really tried.. I'm also glad to see you get right back up and get back in the saddle.. you learned a valueable lesson at the same time..You controlled the situation pretty good I think..and didn't let it control you :mrgreen: And when you eat the wrong stuff Mf lets you know all about it.. Lesson well learned :mrgreen: Hope you have a great week..Thanks for sharing--Martha
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Postby want2Bthin » August 8th, 2005, 3:06 pm


I am so glad that you are ok & didn't suffer a heat stroke. It is so important to drink plenty of fluids :water: if you are going to be in the heat like that.

As far as BK goes- we are all human. :hug: I am proud of you for coming here and sharing this with us. I think accountability is so important to our success on this program.

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Postby Unca_Tim » August 8th, 2005, 3:31 pm

Great post Alisha,
It's fantastic hearing about everyone's success and seeing great results at roll call, but the really exciting thing for me is when people see that light bulb go off and they realize that this is a lifelong change. You're well on your way to a healthier, happier you.

Great success story....:)
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 8th, 2005, 4:44 pm

That's so great that you posted this because many people fall off and are too embarrassed to say anything and then everyone thinks they are all alone when they do it. I bet anything it was the gatorade that made you hungry afterwards. Don't beat yourself up, like you said you learned from it and it gives you confidence that you can do this when you are on maintenance. I am so gald you told me about Burger King, it makes me realize I ain't missin a thing... :mrgreen:
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Postby Walks262 » August 8th, 2005, 5:59 pm


Thanks for posting and congratulations for getting right back into the saddle. I echo a lot of the sentiments posted.

Just one thing: if you find yourself in the heat again. Yes, absolutely, drink, drink, drink water. :water:
But also, get some electrolytes in you. You really needed the Gatorade, because of the salts (sodium, potassium), not because of the sugar. All that sweating had depleted your body of the salts that had to be replaced. You can get "salt" tablets -- make sure that you get sodum & potassium, or just use table salt and bananas.

Good luck!

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Re: Slight Fall off the Wagon but Learned Very Important Les

Postby BerkshireGrl » August 8th, 2005, 6:41 pm


First, glad you are ok! Yikes! :pour: Here, have a nice cold glass of diet tonic and lime... and let my cabana fan slave earn their keep... :lol:

Baking in the sun for hours is tough... even tougher when we are carrying some extra polar bear insulation in this disgusting humidity! (As a chubby girl, I know all about the stuck pig syndrome in summer hehehe!)

I bet it was the Gatorade that made you so hungry too, after taking you out of ketosis with its sugar. (But hey, I think you needed the minerals and electrolytes like others have said!)

Much, much applause to you for getting RIGHT BACK in the saddle!
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Postby mytime » August 8th, 2005, 10:59 pm

Alisha - hope you are feeling MUCH BETTER - Great job getting back in the saddle !!!! It seems like you learned so many valuable things about yourself, MF and that food that looks good on the outside but really hurts once it is inside. Thank you for caring enough about the site and yourself and frankly us to share your journey. You inspire me, Mytime
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Great Recovery

Postby LadyBlueSuit » August 11th, 2005, 11:34 am


I'm glad you are ok and that you are recovering well from the heat and from Burger King. I was going strong for the first week, when my mom asked me to pick up some chicken with all these side dishes because I was in the area of that restaurant. My 30 minute ride home was torture and I broke down and ate that night. I agree with you that food LOOKS and Smells much better than it tastes. I went right back on the program the very next day. I've only lost 9 lbs, but I think of it as 2 (5lb) bags of suger.

Anyway, I also want to mention that I got on Medifast because of your generous postings on that "other" diet forum. Had it not been for you, I would have never heard of this program - THANKS!!!!

PS> whatever happened to that forum anyway? It doesn't exist anymore, I think.
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Postby martha » August 11th, 2005, 6:06 pm


CONGRATULATIONS on your 2(5# )bags of sugar loss :mrgreen: Keep up the great work and we are so glad to have you with us.. I don't know if I could of rode all the way home without eating the chicken too..I try to never get suckered into going and picking up any food and having to be ALONE with it :shock: ..It disappears like a ghost : :shock: --Have a great week..Martha
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 11th, 2005, 6:12 pm

Oh my gosh, I totally agree with the post above. I have to tell you, we ran outta simple dinner stuff around the kitchen tonight and I had tuna and let my kids have pancakes and ham!!! I cooked it all. I picked up a pancake and smelled it and I watched my son and daughter eat all the butter and syrup etc... I almost tasted it through them and it actually filled my desire to eat it. I kept telling myself I had already had the best part of the pancakes, the smell! It actually worked and I feel like I ate them and I don't want them anymore. It's weird because you think you should avoid the smell or cooking food for other people, but it actually gets some of the frustration out to see it and pick it up and smell it and still say "NO". It's like I had them, but I didn' smell is the best part.
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Postby Alisha » August 12th, 2005, 12:56 pm

Thanks everyone for such supportive and positive posts regarding my little "indiscretion" as I call it.

I am happy to report that despite the oops, I had my weigh-in and measurements done at Curves yesterday and boy did I blow them away! According to their scale, I had lost 15lbs in the last month (my true weight is based on MY scale at home, which I've been using since day 1) and I've gone down 11.25 inches! The latter blew me away! In my whole life I've only ever kept track of my inch loss very sporadically, but to have it done once a month is very inspiring! Now... just to try and scrounge the $500 to buy the "when I reach my goal" dresses that I've found on the internet! :roll: I have a feeling that the cost of the MF products will be nothing compared to what I'll spend on clothes and shoes when I hit goal! :lol:

LadyBlueSuit, I don't recognize you by this screen name, but are you referring to the forum set up by Jim on which I used to be a Moderator? If so, yes, it is now sadly defunct thanks to some very harassing posters and their 'tinkering' with Jim's personal email. I guess that is a prime example of the reason no web links, email addresses, etc aren't allowed on this forum. It stinks convenience-wise, but is a VERY wise decision - I applaud you Unca for your diligence.

Unca and Nancy, forgive the 'other' forum mention - I couldn't PM because LadyBlueSuit wasn't registered (DO register and come back often!!) but I lost a lot of good 'buddies' from there and it's nice to know that my Medifast Adventure blog helped someone. I hope you'll forgive me. I've actually tried to get the posts back from the old board owner so I could post them here but I haven't been able to. :(

Anyway, thanks again everyone. You always make me feel so good about myself. :)

All the very best.

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Postby Mommy2girls » August 12th, 2005, 2:29 pm

Wow, glad you are okay, that must have been scary. I totally agree that food just does not have the same ALLURE to me that it did before. I hope that stays true when I get to maintenance. It has to otherwise I'll gain!!!

Glad you are okay and back on the wagon so to speak!

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Postby mytime » August 12th, 2005, 7:55 pm

ALISHA - That is sooooo awesome !!!!!! I am so happy for you. I am sorry about the other site and your loss of friends, good people are so hard to find ! I know you are going to be shopping like mad in no time - your going to have to with all of the weight you are dropping ! CONGRATULATIONS ON THE INCHES !!!!! Those are the VERY BEST, Mytime
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Postby martha » August 13th, 2005, 12:59 am


WOW! GREAT WEIGHT LOSS AND INCH LOSS!!! keep up the great work..Martha
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