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Postby dede4wd » June 27th, 2006, 9:33 pm

This may sound weird, but I'm weird, so here goes. As I gained weight. I started sleeping on my tummy. It is most definitely a habit now. But I have scrunchy face in the morning and my Step-mom is harping on me that I'm going to have TERRIBLE wrinkles and I'm trying to wean myself off it...anyone else dealing with this or is it YET ANOTHER "man is DeDe weird" issue?

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Postby supermom » June 27th, 2006, 9:58 pm

Well, I sleep kind of on my tummy and kind of on my side---don't really know how to describe it. Anyway, I am trying to get better about sleepin on my side---easier on your innards, I hear!! I got a body pillow, and I hug it. I get too hot and sweatty huggin on my hubby. Plus, he always thinks I am offerin somethin up if I get that close to him in bed. I DON'T NEED ANY MORE KIDS RIGHT NOW!!! I want one more, but I am afraid I will have another boy. I have a husband, 3 sons, a boy guinne pig named Spanky, a boy boxer named Clyde, and fish named Ed, Edd, and Eddy. My brother also lives with us part time. I need another female around here!!!
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » June 27th, 2006, 9:59 pm

Dede, this is a new one for me. I have never heard that sleeping on your stomach would cause facial :lol:

I always slept on my stomach,as far back as I can remember and when I got too big to sleep on the tummy I propped the knee with a pillow and sorta laid on my side-toward-tummy

My vote is to enjoy sleeping on your tummy...When we're sleeping we are at our most natural state, so however you wind up, during your sleep cycle, must be fine. :-P

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Postby TooManyBooks » June 27th, 2006, 10:15 pm

This is the theory:

Sleep on your back. "You can create wrinkles by sleeping on your side or belly, with your face on the pillow," says D'Anne Kleinsmith, M.D., a cosmetic dermatologist at William Beaumont Hospital near Detroit who is an expert on wrinkles. "You'll see this in people who have a diagonal crease on their forehead, running above their eyebrows. For some people, sleeping on their back eliminates this problem."

Sleeping on your back helps smooth out the wrinkles because gravity works to pull the skin backward. If you cannot sleep on your back, at least try to switch sides frequently.

I have a body pillow, too. It's very comfy. I try to alternate sleeping sides each night, but who knows how I end up once I'm asleep LOL.
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Postby supermom » June 27th, 2006, 10:31 pm

Do you watch the Golden Girls? Do you remember the episode where Dorothy was tellin Blanche about lying on her back? She said that it makes you look younger because everything slides back. But she also said to be careful and remember that EVERYTHING slides BACK and some things fall into your ARMPITS!!! HEHEHE

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Postby Sarya » June 28th, 2006, 6:16 am

I sleep in every position known to man I think! I bunch my comforter up into a pile and drape my legs and arms over it. I sleep on my belly, my back, my side...

the only problem I've had with sleeping on my belly has started in the last six months or so. My arms fall asleep! That has caused me to try sleeping on my back more than anything else.

Really I have to wonder about this sleeping on the tummy causing wrinkles. I've slept on my belly most of my life, and I look much younger than a lot of people my age. I'm betting diet, personal care, and heritage have a lot more to do with it than having your face pointing towards the floor ;)
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Postby Prancer » June 28th, 2006, 6:23 am

I have heard that sleeping on your back helps to smooth things because gravity is helping you. I am a side sleeper though.
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Postby Denise » June 28th, 2006, 7:53 am

Dede...If you sleep on your tummy...and wake up with those "sleep lines" you will notice as you age..they tend to stay on your face longer and longer each morning! This is a topic I obsess with! You can buy yourself a nice satin pillowcase and take it on the road with you..that will help!
If you want some"products" to try let me know I can recomend a few.
I just don't know if you can handle beauty products and quitting smoking at the same time! :lol:
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Postby JeepGirl » June 28th, 2006, 9:04 am

I sleep on my right left arm tends to fall asleep if I am on the left side and it has been awhile since I had a chiro visit.

I cant sleep on my stomach as my boobs start to hurt after a few mins*sigh*
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Postby lilgorg » June 28th, 2006, 9:08 am

I have been a stomach sleeper all my life. It's the only way that I can sleep (don't know what i'mma do when i get preggars! :shock: ) I've never heard about the wrinkles but I do know that my chiropractor and physical therapist, from my car accident 5 years ago, said that it is not good to sleep on your stomach. You should sleep on your side or back. The reason is that when u sleep on your stomach, your neck has to be out of alignment since it is turned left or right. Your neck and spine are in a neutral position when u on ur back and/or side which is better for you.

I can't sleep on my back for 2 reasons: 1. my hubby says that i snore when i'm on my back :oops: and 2. no matter if i'm a size 11 or 20, i've always had a booty that makes it uncomfortable to sleep on my back. I can start on my side but I always rotate over to that stomach.

So Ms. Dede, if u come up with a solution, please let me know so that i can try it too. :D U know i'm ur lil copycat these days!
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Postby TheShadow » June 28th, 2006, 11:12 am

Lilgorg, I sleep on my back or side for the opposite reason. My boobs! If I sleep on my tummy I have to compensate for the boobs and I end up in a swayback position, like an old horse and after a few minutes it hurts. When I'm on my back I have a really weird habit of sleeping with one or both arms up. What's up with that???!
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Postby lilgorg » June 28th, 2006, 11:14 am

too funny cuz when i start by sleeping on my back, i too have to have my hands up...always one, but sometimes both.
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Re: Sleep

Postby jump4joy » June 28th, 2006, 2:06 pm

dede4wd wrote:Hi,
This may sound weird, but I'm weird, so here goes. As I gained weight. I started sleeping on my tummy. It is most definitely a habit now. But I have scrunchy face in the morning and my Step-mom is harping on me that I'm going to have TERRIBLE wrinkles and I'm trying to wean myself off it...anyone else dealing with this or is it YET ANOTHER "man is DeDe weird" issue?


Oh man, is DeDe WEIRD! :lol: Sorry, but I couldn't resist, you walked right into THAT one, girlie!

Back in February, my HOBBY was researching mattresses (because I hadn't had a decent night of sleep for YEARS in my waterbed, and BTW, have you ever tried to sleep on your tummy on a waterbed.....yeeeooooucchhh!). Yup, the ol' face wrinkles will STAY as you get older if you keep sleeping on your stomach. But if you love it, a nice firm latex mattress is BEST. The back needs support and it'll sway too much on a softer mattress. I researched 'em all, since I had all those free hours in the middle of the night, and I settled on a layered latex mattress that I could customize to my needs. Oh yeah baby! I've been sleeping so great on it......what a difference a good night's rest makes! (I sleep on my back and sides, hubby does too, but I used to sleep on my tummy when I was younger and loved it).

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Postby Nicki » June 28th, 2006, 3:37 pm

I sleep on my tummy with a CPAP mask on (try not to get a visual - its not pretty) so I can only imagine the wrinkles I'm in for! Let me know if you find the secret!
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Postby dede4wd » June 28th, 2006, 4:59 pm

OMG! I have the crease in the middle of my forehead toomanybooks! It's too late already! I'm doomed! So much for my good-looking years, oh well, back to my nap!

I try and try to start on my back or side, I just don't END UP there! So, nothing I can do about it, I guess!

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