
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby bokkie » February 17th, 2006, 2:57 pm

Today my little brother's girlfriend asked me to go shopping with her because she wanted to pick out a new dress for their anniversary. I have been to the beach with this girl and lets just say that she has the perfect california girl body. She even has 25 bikinis. I wasnt very excited about going with her since i don't like shopping, especiall with a girl that can wear anything she wants...Or so I thought.

She had trouble finding clothes that fit because she is soooo small. She ended up buying a dress out of the childrens section and told me that she has to get her pants specially made to fit the length of her legs. Now I know what the girls at the other end of the spectrum feel like.
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Postby sidrah » February 17th, 2006, 8:56 pm

Yeah, maybe. But, that is sounding good right now. I don't know about wearing a Winnie the Pooh dress to work :oops: , but I know what you mean
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Postby Nancy » February 17th, 2006, 10:45 pm

bokkie ~

:hug: Poor dear! Most of us would give a box of our favorite Medifast bars to spend one hour with that dilemma! :mrgreen:

Hah! Sidrah - what a crack-up! :roflmao: Imagine a girl with 25 bikinis wearing a Winnie the Pooh dress to the office!

bokkie, you are so right to point our thoughts to the situation others must bear - sometimes I think I am the only one that has a problem trying to find shoes that glide on like Cinderella's or sleeves long enough or jeans to fit...we are all hand-fashioned, totally unique stunning creatures and one size does not fit all!

Thanks for your perspective!

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