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well said!

Postby Seaside » June 11th, 2005, 3:43 pm

Donna, thanks for your thoughts! I couldn't agree more. This program really works and it's amazing what you can get done when your mind isn't consumed (no pun intended) with food. Since I started the program, I toyed with the 5 and 1 but like Nick, this can spell doom for a compulsive eater. I'm trying to stick with the full fast and it works well as long as I drink my water and have a shake or other meal at regular intervals to keep the munch-monster at bay.

Today I went out to run some errands and I am ashamed to admit that in the past, many of the errands were just an excuse to go to my favorite drive-through and pig out on fattening foods. What a difference now. I had an iced coffee with sugar free syrup in it and drove past all my "old haunts" with no desire to hit the drive through. Yeah!!!
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Postby monkeymom » June 13th, 2005, 1:21 pm

I am the "trusted friend" that Dean spoke of in his post. I've know he and his wife Heidi for about 3 years now, met Heidi in college. I'm sure seeing first-hand the results I got made it a lot easier for them to decide to go on the plan, but honestly, if you read this forum you can also "see" the fantastic results so many people have had. You may not know these people personally, may not be able to see or touch them, etc......but believe me, they are very real. You will see that there are not only successes posted here, we share our troubles and missteps too.

You can't get much better supporting evidence for the success of this plan than the people on this forum. Keep reading and thinking. You'll be compelled to make the right decision, I know because that's exactly how I got started!
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