I had a little Medifast MISHAP today that I thought I'd share....it might just make you laugh!
I decided to warm up some chicken bullion, MF Creamy Brocolli Soup, and a little chopped zuchini for lunch today. I usually warm up my MF in the microwave, but today I put it on the stove.
Then....I made the mistake of running upstairs for a magazine....AND stopping by the bathroom to pee................
By the time I got downstairs, the soup was BOILING

I turned off the stove and surveyed the damage.......icky poo, boys and girls!!!!! Skanky blobs of soy protien were all in my lovely soup! What to do?????????

I DO NOT toss out MF products....but was it edible????? Then I realized that the soup reminded me of something.......EGG DROP SOUP!!!!!!!! So....I decided to try it, and it wasn't too bad! In fact, it tasted fine!
So....into a bowl it went, and I happily enjoyed my "skanky protien a.k.a. egg drop soup" for lunch.........though I'm not likely to share the recipe on our "Lean Quisine" page!
Any other MEDIFAST MISHAPS happening out there? Do tell.........
