Skanky blobs of soy protien, or.......???

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Skanky blobs of soy protien, or.......???

Postby Lois » September 27th, 2004, 10:39 am

Hello! I just KNEW you'd read a post with a title like that ;)

I had a little Medifast MISHAP today that I thought I'd might just make you laugh!

I decided to warm up some chicken bullion, MF Creamy Brocolli Soup, and a little chopped zuchini for lunch today. I usually warm up my MF in the microwave, but today I put it on the stove.

Then....I made the mistake of running upstairs for a magazine....AND stopping by the bathroom to pee................

By the time I got downstairs, the soup was BOILING :shock: Definitly NOT the "gentle heating" recommended in the instructions!!!!!!

I turned off the stove and surveyed the damage.......icky poo, boys and girls!!!!! Skanky blobs of soy protien were all in my lovely soup! What to do????????? :question:

I DO NOT toss out MF products....but was it edible????? Then I realized that the soup reminded me of something.......EGG DROP SOUP!!!!!!!! So....I decided to try it, and it wasn't too bad! In fact, it tasted fine!

So....into a bowl it went, and I happily enjoyed my "skanky protien a.k.a. egg drop soup" for lunch.........though I'm not likely to share the recipe on our "Lean Quisine" page!

Any other MEDIFAST MISHAPS happening out there? Do tell......... 8)


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Postby elle4nelly » September 27th, 2004, 11:51 am



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Postby explorthis » September 27th, 2004, 11:52 am

Any other MEDIFAST MISHAPS happening out there? Do tell.........

Uh, Skanky blobs of soy protien, or…. yuck at the thought alone!

Ok, mine is, DO NOT – repeat DO NOT ever leave any Medifast in your covered shaker cup, over night, or especially over the weekend on your desk whilst not in the fridge. Wanna smell something that will cause an instant gag reaction? This is exactly how to get this to happen. Was about the grossest thing I have EVER smelled in my life. Worst part, I have done it more than once…. WOW.

Medifast could easily market this as a Medical smelling salt, cause it will wake the dead!!
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Postby elle4nelly » September 27th, 2004, 11:55 am

And don't forget to mention turns green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On top of that Nasty smell!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 27th, 2004, 11:56 am

Early on once when I was mixing my shakes with an electric 'wand' blender, I multi-tasked and listened to my phone messages. While pushing the phone buttons, I briefly lifted the blender out of the cup and completely 'decorated' one wall with chocolate MF.

Well, ONE wall in my kitchen is clean!
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Postby smartiegrrl » September 27th, 2004, 12:59 pm

I accidentally overboiled some chicken noodle soup. It was all lumpy and I decided that the garbage disposal was a much better place for it. I don't have a problem tossing out the MF stuff. ;)

Another mishap was with the hot cocoa. I added the power to the hot water. Can you say gross, super lumpy cocoa?? *bleech*

Oh - and whats up with the pudding? I can never get it to set - its nasty if its not set.

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Postby Sylvia » September 27th, 2004, 1:33 pm

I have the pudding ALL THE TIME and have become an expert pudding maker. You need to put 1/2 cup (no more) of very cold water into the bowl first. Then add the powder and whip it with a wire wisk. Make sure you wisk well in the edges of the bowl b/c the powder likes to collect there. The refrigerate for 15 mins to 1/2 hour and it is perfect.

I love the pudding and it is absolutely the only MF item I am willing to spend any time and inconvenience on.
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Postby Lois » September 27th, 2004, 7:35 pm

Oh, you guys, these stories are great!!!!! You have LITERALLY had me laughing out loud!!!!!!!

When I first joined the forum, someone was mixing their shakes in the blender with diet soda....which works great.....but then someone accidently tried to do the same thing in a SHAKER JAR and there was an explosion of sorts!!!!

I guess that person's kitchen walls are also "decorated" with Medifast :roll:

I wonder what Nancy is gonna say about THIS thread when she gets back???!!! :shock:

When the LW is away.......

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Postby Lois » September 27th, 2004, 7:42 pm

P.S. Mike....that sounds like a science experiment to me!!!!!! Isn't that how the movie "The Blob" begins??????? :roll:


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Postby explorthis » September 27th, 2004, 8:19 pm

Oh no, I was the one that almost tossed (gagged) what leftover Medifast remained in my belly. As Nelly said, (obviously a practicing penicillin grower, as I was) it also turns this baby poop green color, but the stench, Oh my… Words will never give that day old soy a true description!
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Postby Lois » September 28th, 2004, 7:30 am

I can't even imagine!!!!!!!!! What cracks me up is that you've had this happen to you more than once! Let the rest of us be FOREWARNED!!!!!

Still laughing :tears:

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Postby smartiegrrl » September 28th, 2004, 11:05 am

I will try the whisk next time - I even tried using less and 1/2 cup thinking my measuring cup might be off.

Oh the other silly thing I did. Also with the hot chocolate again. I put the hot water and the cocoa in the shaker and because of the heat, the cup shrank. I got hot cocoa all over the floor and my hands. Doh. At least it wasn't boiling.

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Postby Lois » September 28th, 2004, 11:36 am

Yes, I've had mini explosions trying to shake warm liquids in the shaker jar, as well. My new rule: SHAKE IT COLD or room temp, and THEN heat it up!!!!!!!!!!!

Clearly, I'm not thr only one around this forum who isn't a rocket scientist ;) !!!!!!!!!


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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » September 29th, 2004, 2:56 pm

Ahhhhh what a fun thread! LOLOL

How about this one (just about ten days ago!)? I make myself and hubby a shake eveery Medi-mealtime and one day we had to rush out the door to be someplace so I shook his up and put it in a travel mug, rinsed the shaker jar and put water in it for mine, and in the meantime, he was already out in the van HONKING and muttering so I figured I'd just drink mine straight from the shaker jar ont he road, so out the door I flew, shaking all the way to the van. I got in, scowled over towards the driver's seat, and away we went. I absentmindedly shook the jar for another minute or two, then cracked the lid and took a swig.
Of water.
Really, really well-blended WATER.
I had forgotten, in my haste, to pour in the packet.

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Postby Lois » September 30th, 2004, 5:54 am

Way to go, Rosanna!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Maybe we are all losing BRAIN CELLS along with the weight!!!!!!!!!!!

At least you didn't have to drink anything lumpy....or slimy....or GREEN!!!!


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