by explorthis » July 7th, 2004, 1:11 pm
I want to additionally thank Nancy for this board (though I know Tim is the mechanic).
I just looked back, when I joined, I was member #17 on 10/1/03 Now about 9 months later, there are 281 members. Yikes that’s quite a few. I like most others probably stumbled onto this site by chance. Either searching for support, or info on Medifast. For me, it was info. Little did I know there would be this type of support.
Think back 10 years ago, little or no internet for most. Phones, and letters with those little squares they call stamps “snail mail”! Heaven forbid we actually got dressed, and went and visited someone. Now look at us, PJ’s or whatever we chose, speaking to anyone, anytime, anywhere!!
Thanks, Nancy, Tim, all of you losers, and of course those little Medifast shaker packets……