
Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
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Postby Serendipity » October 5th, 2006, 11:54 am

I've been wondering about the similarities we have. I mean....well....we all have weight issues, but I'm wondering what other things we have in common that may contribute to these issues.

For instance, I think that most of us are quite bright. Though I'm not highly educated, my IQ is 140. Anyone else?

I'm a perfectionist. Anyone else?

We all seem to be pretty resourceful.

We seem to have the nurturing gene.

There are alot of artistic people here, too.

oh yeah, and we all seem to be quite attractive, hehehe. :mrgreen:

I'm just listing the traits that I can readily see from reading the forum. Has anyone else noticed the similarities?
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Postby alpha femme » October 5th, 2006, 11:58 am

i'm a snaggled-toothed, iliturut, stinky, slacker.

who's with me?!?
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Postby Serendipity » October 5th, 2006, 12:00 pm

We ALL know that's not true, you goof. :roflmao:
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Postby Jen » October 5th, 2006, 2:12 pm

I have noticed that many people on here seem to be in their 30s at least. I was thinking about this and my best guess is that it takes a while for most people to come to terms with the need to lose weight and many have already tried other programs before finding MediFast.

I do wish I knew about MF in college though, it would have been much nicer to need to lose 50 pounds than 120.
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Postby blondeangel7782 » October 5th, 2006, 2:34 pm

I'm 23 going to be 24 in a month I'm short married, have dyed my hair almost every color (even had a bad clash with boxed dye & had hints of green this weekend :x ) I have been trying to find a good way to lose weight for about 3 years have tried everything and now I'm here FOR GOOD!
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Postby monkeegirl » October 5th, 2006, 4:36 pm

That is cool, I noticed that too---
I too am a nurturer, aritistic, perfectionist, in my 30's, and I have to have my hand in some kind of business--one that I can express my creative side, I also love starting new businesses, I enjoy the process of learning something new and mastering it, I am not sure what my IQ is, but I was always a 4.0 student, I have college education-- Montessori Teacher and Educational Specialist with Dyslexia, and yes..... I'm overweight! LOL

But I have to admit, Alpha Femme's reply is the best!!! :D
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Postby alohacate » October 5th, 2006, 4:57 pm

So busy micro managing everything else in my life.........something had to give unfortunately it was my weight.

I think I noticed a trend with women with PCOS and missing gall bladders??????????
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Postby Sojourner » October 5th, 2006, 5:10 pm

Well, I'm a total smartass,
and I have noticed that trait in
quite a few of you out there!!
Uh, yeah--hi Alex!

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Postby kendra_m » October 6th, 2006, 4:25 am

I think you're right Jo, about people here being very bright.... lots of smart folks. Lots of educated people as well, I have a Masters degree in Social Work & a BA in Psychology. I worked with people w/developmental disabilities for years, then specialized in mental health issues with the same group, and now work in the criminal/legal world. I've noticed several in caregiving types of professions.

And definitely lots of nurturers, professionally and personally. That part makes perfect sense to me.... I've never been good at putting myself or my needs first.

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Postby Elke » October 6th, 2006, 6:13 am

No Masters here, I'm just as simple as they come, a mom...nothing really more to me. In my 30's but I will be out next birthday, in my heart I am still 25 and I will die 25. I ride a motorcycle and go to bike rallies. I am a nurturer, as a mom you have to be.
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Postby Mike » October 8th, 2006, 9:26 pm

I have a Master's but who really cares... I only got it so it would give me an extra $1K a year in pay.
I'm a teacher, so I guess I care about something other than family and my wife.
I'm a middle school teacher, so I guess I am also insane.
I'm a science teacher, so I must have a brain lying around here somewhere.
I'm a Christian so I know where I will be after I die.
I love my wife, and know that I can always count on her.
I am on this program, so I will be much healthier than if I wasn't.
Enough said.... :mrgreen:
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Postby dede4wd » October 13th, 2006, 2:59 pm

I'm dumb as a rock, am completely lacking the nurturing gene, don't have an artistic bone in my body, am an incompetent perfectionist (which is WAY worse than being a regular perfectionist, let me tell you!), and fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down...But I am in my 30's, DEFINITELY have the creds in the smart-ass department! And resourceful is my middle name (actually, it's Anne, but you know).

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Re: Hi

Postby Sojourner » October 13th, 2006, 4:57 pm

dede4wd wrote:I'm dumb as a rock, am completely lacking the nurturing gene, don't have an artistic bone in my body, am an incompetent perfectionist (which is WAY worse than being a regular perfectionist, let me tell you!), and fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down...But I am in my 30's, DEFINITELY have the creds in the smart-ass department! And resourceful is my middle name (actually, it's Anne, but you know). D

Puh-leeez! Uh, forgot to mention that you're a total fibber!!

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Postby GucciGoo » October 15th, 2006, 5:59 am

I have a 138 IQ. And a BA in Journalism.
I'm 33.
I weighed in the 120's throught college but have remained over 160 since then.
I'm Jewish so I definitely know where I'll be when I die- heaven.
I am married and have a 10 month old gorgeous amazing son.
I grew up in Brooklyn New York.
I am very sarcastic.
I love to cook.
I love the beach.
I love to shop for purses.
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Postby KatyBob » October 16th, 2006, 7:08 pm

I'm 28, 2 Masters Degrees, career-minded, and a very supportive family.
I have been married 7 years and we are blessed with a 2 ½ year old daughter
I’m considered smart with a bit of smart ass on the side.
Very hard working at work and very lazy at home (possible reason for being overweight) I could NEVER stay home with my kid (or by myself for that matter) because I and in return she would be miserable. I do have an incredible amount of respect for people who can be around children all day while molding them into productive members of society and not just put up with them.
I have no hobbies, but I’m working on focusing more on me (not just career me or mom me) and maybe I’ll find one.

And I’m trying to be less wordy; this is only my third post ever to a forum.
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