Here is a little thing I did the other night and thought you all would get as big a kick outta it as I did..hehe

The day for my Medifast to arrive and all through the house
not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
And I in my nighty and Pa in his cap.
Had just settled down to take a long, lazy nap.
When suddenly there arose such a clatter I sat straight up and Pa said "what is the matter?" I tore down the hall, flung the front door wide open. And there stood the UPS man looking at me like I was mad as a hatter.
I lunged at the boxes he had under his arm and did a quick jig all around the poor man, who looked quite alarmed.
I laughed and I cried and gripped his arm tight and thanked him and kissed him too his horrified fright.
I know I must have looked quite a sight but I couldn't help it, I love this diet.
He slowly began to back away and whispered through clenched teeth "Have a nice day" when to his very obvious dismay
I smiled and shouted Thanks so much..I am going to fix my lunch. And I have a hunch.... I will See you another day!;)
Hope ya enjoyed..Hugs,