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Postby Ginabobina1969 » September 24th, 2007, 7:57 pm

Image Tammy!! You and hubby are doing so great!
Keep Shakin!


Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
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Postby Signladytf » September 25th, 2007, 10:14 am

Thanks so much Gina! I am shooting for lofty goals over the next few months, but nothing so rigid that they'll get me off track if I don't achieve them.

Today's challenge will be: CUPCAKES. A parent is bringing cupcakes for the kids -- one of kids is having a birthday. I can resist eating them, but I may have to leave the room for the smell.

I'm finding that it is the smell and the texture I miss, not so much the taste of food yet. Now, I could still enjoy tasting anything Paula Deen wants to dish out, but I certainly don't think I'd feel very good after shoving whole sticks of butter and jars of mayonnaise down my gullet.

I really believe I've had a paradigm shift when it comes to my eating. I have the opportunity to go out for lunch this weekend with my family, so I've been scouring the internet looking at menus of all the restaurants we like to go to in order to find what I can eat legally. I can't believe that I'm actually enjoying the challenge!! :lightbeam:

My hubby and I were reminiscing about our favorite cheat food -- pizza. We discussed missing it and how it is our absolute favorite food of all. However, I can still vividly remember how I felt after eating pizza, no matter when I ate it -- dieting or not -- I had that carb-y hangover in the morning, sluggish, foggy headed, upset stomach, trips to the bathroom, etc. I pray that everytime I look at foods like that, it is like the drug antibuse--I get violently ill! :puke:

Onward and downward!!
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Nothing to do with MF

Postby Signladytf » September 27th, 2007, 6:09 am

For no apparent reason, I'm having a "blah" day. No worries about being off program, but emotionally, I'm ready for a breakdown today. Perhaps it's because I haven't had my regularly scheduled meltdown? Dunno. Maybe it is just because I am tired, due to waking up throughout the night listening for the baby, even though he's coughing in his sleep and continues to sleep through the night.

Or, it could be just that I am missing my community choir that I was a member of when we lived in Florida. I'm craving that kind of fellowship and music. My choir at church here, while they mean well, isn't the caliber of the other choir and certainly doesn't have that kind of dedication. Music is a huge part of my life, and it is painful sometimes when I'm there singing. There is discord among a couple of the members, so you can tell people are jockeying for position (which is utterly ridiculous, because there isn't a "position" to have)....tsk, tsk. Human nature. I have such high expectations--but then, what do you expect?!?! I'm a "Martha!" But I should know better by now.

Maybe I'll just get to bed earlier tonight.
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Postby Ginabobina1969 » September 27th, 2007, 4:22 pm

ImageTammy, sorry your having a blah day. Get some rest girly.


Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
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Postby bikipatra » September 28th, 2007, 1:56 am

Hope today is much better! :)
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Postby Signladytf » September 28th, 2007, 5:08 am

Today is better. :) Thanks for the positive thoughts. Still probably should've gotten more sleep--instead, got more prayer and I got my first paycheck from my job today. That'll brighten your spirits (even if it's spent quicker than it arrived through cyber-space!).

Finances have been so horribly awry for the last several months that I'm hoping that things get straightened out in a hurry.

Biki, no E-baying for me, either. I'm a jewelry freak and I've found such wonderful deals on e-bay for things I wouldn't ordinarily be able to purchase--however, that addiction has been on hold for about 6 months. Know anyone who needs to buy a relatively large house in Central Florida? Shoot, I should put the house on E-bay!

Have a great day, folks!
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Postby Tawanda » September 28th, 2007, 6:07 am

Glad you are having a better day! You sound like you have a great outlook and that is so important.
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Postby Signladytf » October 1st, 2007, 5:21 am

Well, I'm down one more pound--that makes 25 since my restart. Even though I wish it would have been more, I am going to look at it as the glass is half full. That's one more pound that I don't have to "find" again. I am, however, going to look at my intake and see what sorts of things I can eliminate or tweek to achieve optimum loss. Perhaps using the leanest cuts of meat and the lowest carb veggies. Watching the condiment intake.

I am excited that I found a grocery store that carries the Walden Farms dressings, hallelujah!

Praying for a "Biggest Loser" week....
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Postby bikipatra » October 1st, 2007, 5:30 am

If you are trying for a low-carb vegetable, lettuce has always been my choice. Barely even registers.
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Postby Signladytf » October 1st, 2007, 9:29 am

Hi Biki,

Thanks for the advice. Eating lettuce is almost like taking a drink of water. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to lettuce. It causes intestinal distress--but I eat enough of it anyway. :) I like changing it up a bit. I'm a country girl, so giving up all my carb-y garden veggies was the first step to being a healthier me.

So, I'm thinking of making salads as follows: 2 cups lettuce, 1/8 c. chopped celery, 1/8 c. chopped cucumber and 1/4 c. chopped tomatoes. There's only the 1/4 c. of the higher/highest carb veggies in there. That should be do-able.

And, I may get my hunting license for this year, since venison is on the leanest cut of meat section. (Sorry to your hubby, Biki!) If not, I'm going to encourage my Dad to bag me a couple of deer for the freezer. Who knows? Maybe my hubby will take up hunting!! :roflmao: He's originally from Miami - not exactly deer-hunting territory.

I also wanted to tell you that I've been reading your journal from the beginning. You are a real trooper for toughing it out and making lemonade from lemons...(splenda infused lemonade, of course). You're an inspiration for me to keep going.

Here's my schedule for the day:

7:30a - Raspberry Tea Shake
10:30a - Caramel Nut Bar
12:30p - Cappucino Shake
3:00p - Raspberry Tea Shake
6:00p - 7 oz. Mahi Mahi with Garden Salad and 2 T. Walden Farms Dressing
9:00p - Cup 'o Cream of something Soup OR a Cappucino Shake

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Postby bikipatra » October 1st, 2007, 10:39 am

Thank you. What a sweet thing to say. :)
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Postby Slimmin' » October 1st, 2007, 11:30 am

Hey girl! I took some time to read your journal today. It is great to see that you share your enthusiasm, your struggles, your "aha's", your blah's and everything else! I have found that doing this program is just like anything else. It just is what it is. Somedays great, somedays not so great. Sometimes it is a moment to moment to moment decision to stay on plan and moving ahead. BUT YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

I was quite interested in your list of things you have accomplished in a short period of time. Being an "over achiever" myself and finishing my MBA just shortly before starting my program (also in 1.5 years just like you) I thought that this MF program would be just another thing I was able to check off. I have found that part of the value in it, though, is taking time to notice what comes up for me at certain times. Reading about one of us who just hit maintenance and what she feels like it will take from her to stay on maintenance and keep her weight off confirms that for me. I think that those blah days are as important as the victory days in our learning and in creating the ability to stay on track once we hit our goal. shake, one day, one bar, one more walk at a time. WE CAN DO THIS! I look forward to reading more of your journal as you progress!
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Postby Signladytf » October 1st, 2007, 11:52 am

Hi Slimmin! Thanks for the words of encouragement. I've pretty much launched myself into this program wholeheartedly--Type A style. I have one of those plastic 3-prong folders (in orange!) that I have my yearly calendar, quick-start guide and daily tracker pages in. I am constantly writing in the calendar and my daily tracker. I'm on, logging in my progress as it comes, then I am obsessed with making sure that I get my supplements in at no longer than 3 -hour intervals. I'm talking to everyone at work about it. I've got about 4 people interested in starting the program--however, I think I'll be the walking advertisement for all those New Year's Resolutions. Tee Hee!

For some reason, I feel this effort is much different than any other effort I've had before. I've always had projects to deal with--too many hours at work, choirs, school, church, etc. I've put my program as my top priority--I hate to say it, even above my husband and children. What I mean is--when my baby needs a bottle, or my 5-year old needs lunch, I make darn sure that I've had my supplement before anyone else does (or in conjunction with my hubby's supplement). It is time that I take this on--or there won't be a wife, mother, interpreter, daughter, pastor's wife, teacher, etc. to do all those things for someone else. My grandmother died at 42 from an obesity related stroke. She left 3 grown children and an 8-year old. That's 10 years from now for me. Right now I have a 5-year old and a 10 month old. I am NOT going to be the cause of an early death. There may be other circumstances which do it, but it certainly AIN'T gonna be my fault.

Now that I've ranted, I need to post this somewhere where I can read it constantly. :)

Thanks again.
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Postby nickieluv » October 1st, 2007, 12:03 pm

Signladytf wrote:--when my baby needs a bottle, or my 5-year old needs lunch, I make darn sure that I've had my supplement before anyone else does...

That's really smart, Tammy. So many times I've put off my supplement to finish 'just one more project' or I figure it's no big deal to wait just a minute more - but the minute turns into 30 or even an hour, and then I'm late and starving - and vulnerable to going off-plan. I need to move this up a notch on the priority scale, and keep that from happening any more. How long does it take to drink an RTD for Pete's sake?! :oops:
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Postby Signladytf » October 1st, 2007, 8:09 pm


Thanks for your reply. That is precisely what happens to me. I say, "I'll get it in just a minute.." then the minute turns into being 3 hours late for a supplement and totally ravenous.

Also, I appreciate your scripture in your signature. I've been trying to "Be anxious for nothing" while our finances are in a shambles and the creditors call. Also, I physically don't have the energy (from the weight) to do any more than I'm is easier said than done, being in our human nature.

I believe that worry is the single biggest unrecognized and unrepented much happier and healthier we would be if we could learn to cast off our burdens!

Sorry folks if this is preachy, but heck, this IS my journal!! :)

Keep shakin'!
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