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Postby Lucy » November 9th, 2007, 8:19 am

:whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo:

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Postby Signladytf » November 15th, 2007, 6:11 am

It has been an incredibly busy couple of weeks, but I'm happy to report that I'm at 63!!!

I SHOULD have more time to chit-chat this weekend....TTFN!!

Keep on shakin!
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Postby Tawanda » November 15th, 2007, 7:31 am

Congrats on the 63# loss!
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Postby bikipatra » November 15th, 2007, 9:22 am

That's fantastic! :)
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 15th, 2007, 6:46 pm

Congratulations!! I know you are SOOO excited!

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Postby Signladytf » November 16th, 2007, 10:17 pm

What a stupidly rough evening! The teachers that I work closely with went to the same high school I did, so I got my mom to bring my yearbooks over when she came to visit. I sat down, looked at them and bawled like a baby!! My high school experience has been over for 15 years and I feel like it was just yesterday. My 4 years of high school were basically ones of me trying to live day-to-day unnoticed. Wow. Elementary and Middle school were so horrible for me (the fat kid) that I just wanted to fly under the radar and get the heck outta Dodge.

So, I went and found my favorite picture of my favorite men in my life:


To remind myself that these are my 3 main reasons for losing 63 pounds....

Sorry if the picture is too big.
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Postby Serendipity » November 17th, 2007, 4:15 am

Tammy, You can't change what happened in the past, you can only make the future better. I think many of us, thin and fat alike, had less than perfect high school experiences. I was a cheerleader and ran with the "popular" girls, but always felt like I didn't measure up......and girls can be very cruel, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.
Even now, all these years later, there are high school "friends" I would rather just not see because they bring back those same feelings of inadequacy.

Hang in there! You are doing great! are a champion on this forum for sticking to the program and showing how it should be done. Your family is worth it.....such cute babies you have!
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Postby Signladytf » November 17th, 2007, 11:14 am

Thanks, Jo.

I don't feel like the same person I was back then (not that I was bad, I was just a "nobody")....and in my head, I know that had I been "somebody," that would have meant that I ran with a different crowd, did different things, etc...which would have made me a different person now...

It is just incredibly strange, after 15 years, to be back in my hometown, working in the public school system that I attended--being with many of those same people that I avoided. I guess it was just something that I needed to work through.

And, please don't think that I've been perfect on the program, I certainly haven't. But I am resolved to make it this time. :)

Thanks for your words of encouragement.
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Postby Signladytf » November 19th, 2007, 12:22 pm

My name is Tammy and I am a shop-a-holic.

I just received some beautiful business suits in the mail that I purchased (about a size-and-a-half smaller than where I am now)....I got 6 jackets, 2 pairs of pants in the shipment. I've bought costume "bling," real "bling," new pajamas, boots, books, Christmas gifts for friends and family, ahhh.... :) What a rush!

I have been holding the purse-strings so tightly that I didn't even buy groceries unless we were completely out of everything. I just wanted some things to look forward to fitting into.

I have one rubbermaid box of clothes that are smaller sizes, but it is stuff that I would never choose to wear, and I despise the clothes, because that is all I could fit into at the time. They'll go to Goodwill--they're still in great condition, just not something I can wear professionally. I DID wear them in college, you know!

I bought the pajamas a little big, so when I drop another size, I won't be able to wear those either. :) My baby pulls up on my pants legs and I almost walked out of them the other night!

I just want to look good. You know the kind of good I mean. The kind of good that turns men's heads (not because I need to -- I have the most wonderful hubby in the world, but because I can). The kind of good that allows me to walk down the street not worried that people would think of me as "motivation" for their dieting--they'd never want to be THIS big.

I'm looking forward to this successful journey. :) Nancy, Jo, Biki and Mike, you're my heroes!
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Postby bikipatra » November 19th, 2007, 1:35 pm

Thank you Tammy! :heart:
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Postby Lucy » November 19th, 2007, 4:37 pm

So about those get your money out of em, put an adjustable band in them... I am sure you have seen the kids ones, but just slit the band area with an 1/2 inch cuts one on each side by hips, run soft elastic through the band. you will attach the elastic to a button and as you need you can tighten by adding a button hole to the elastic....

No more mommy drooper drawers!!!!

Also, be sure to teach children I see London I see kids do so love the underpants chant!
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Postby Lucy » November 19th, 2007, 4:38 pm


I am in denial.... 8)
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Postby Signladytf » November 20th, 2007, 6:22 am

65. Praise God! Only 10 more to go to make my mini-goal.....I'm shooting for 10 by the end of the month. I've got 10 days to do it. If I stay religiously strict, I'll probably make it.

Thanksgiving is a-comin!
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Postby Signladytf » November 23rd, 2007, 7:39 am

You know what I'm thankful for? That Thanksgiving is OVER! :) I decided that if this is going to be my plan for life (and it is) that I need to get used to the idea of having good, not-so-good and bad foods around (if we go to others' homes).

So, I ate small portions (and I DO mean small!) of anything I wanted, even a small piece of my mother's pumpkin pie, and I woke up this morning, having a shake and my glass of water. I may not make 75 pounds by the end of the month, but at least I'll know that I was able to have an off-program meal, not binge, and be immediately back on program the next morning.

This is how I'm going to survive, folks. I have lived my entire life, meal-to-meal, eating as if it were my last chance. Now, I'm living my entire life. Period. Meals just happen to be included.

I'm off to clean up my cluttered house!!!
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Postby Signladytf » November 29th, 2007, 6:34 am

I'm still alive and kicking! I've just been up to my eyeballs in festivities. I'm on program, but I haven't weighed in several days. I'll probably wait until Saturday, since it is December 1st and my baby's 1st birthday. :)

Happy Thursday!
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