by Signladytf » October 24th, 2007, 3:36 am
This is more in response to Serendipity's post to me in her Journal.
Yesterday was a perfect example of of "the will to stay compliant." Since it is Halloween time, all the teachers have the little "fun" size candy bars (I don't know what is so much "fun" about gaining weight) in their classrooms. I was going into the copy room when the secretary was filling up a gigantic basket for the teachers. Several folks were crowded around the supply, eagerly awaiting the pickin's....I was trying to get to the phone when someone piped up and said, "Tammy has lost 47 pounds in 8 weeks!" Then the same person looked at me and asked if I wanted the first pick of the candy. I said, "Oh no...I'm not breaking my diet for a piece of candy. It's not worth it." Of course, the reply was, "OH, ONE piece won't hurt!" That's when I got a little tough with her and said, "That's why I have to lose the weight--all those little pieces of candy and slices of pizza wouldn't have hurt if I had had just one over the past 20 years. No thanks. I'm not breaking my diet for that little piece of candy."
They gushed over my will power as the candy was ripped into, but I have to tell you, I see now with eyes wide open. No one "NEEDS" a piece of chocolate.... In 2 years, if I would like a little piece of chocolate, it's going to be GOOD chocolate and one teeny, tiny piece for my taste buds to enjoy. Not something just to fill up my jowls.
On the other hand...
I went out for dinner last night to eat steak, salad and broccoli for my birthday, which was very nice. I was compliant, with the exception that I probably shouldn't have eaten ANY peanuts (one of those places where you throw the hulls on the floor)...however, I am sure I didn't get knocked out of ketosis....the waitress looked shocked that we didn't want any bread or dessert. (They're known for their bread.) I feel really good about the meal and I'm looking forward to another month of compliance!
Yayy for TSFL!
Until next time...happy shakin!
Restarted 8/27/2007