by Signladytf » October 11th, 2007, 10:08 am
Are you kidding me??? My co-workers just came in with PLATTERS (I'm not exaggerating) full of cafeteria-type mac-n-cheese. Now, I only have really two foods that could trigger me into oblivion...Good pizza and mounds of gooey mac-n-cheese. (A couple of pounds of cheese melted into goo probably would do it too...there was a cartoon where a mouse said, "Cheese! I luuuuuv cheese. Really, I do...I resemble that mouse.) So, I did not eat with the gang today.
I pray that someday bad foods will repulse me when I see the grease on top of anything....I used to watch my grandmother stir the grease back into a bowl of fried chicken sawmill gravy--and wait with anticipation....I remember eating pizza in the school cafeteria and turning it up on the side to drain the grease out...what is wrong with this country that eating this way is "good food?" It's killing us--killing our kids. I am determined that my children are going to know what real food is like, prepared well with seasoning and not exorbitant amounts of fat. Vegetable straight from my garden, full of flavor and grilled, steamed or blanched with seasonings that enhance good flavors, not coat your tongue with grease!
I am beginning to see a light at the end of a very, very long, dark tunnel.
Restarted 8/27/2007