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Re: sidrah

Postby oksoonergirl26 » February 22nd, 2010, 11:03 am

How are things going? I have a job interview with another district for a librarian position next school year. I am really excited! Hope things are going well for you!
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Re: sidrah

Postby Joy » February 25th, 2010, 11:39 am

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Re: sidrah

Postby lifelovinaries » February 26th, 2010, 5:17 am

hi sidrah, i am popping in to see how you're doing. Hopefully, a little less stressed! Praying this week has been easier.

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Re: sidrah

Postby sidrah » February 27th, 2010, 8:57 pm no weight loss in earlobes that I know of. I was thinking about earrings one day for some reason and it occurred to me to ask.

This week was AIMS, state testing, for the HS, so it was kind of a quiet week. Proctoring is boring, but it's 3 hours of quiet. Plus, lots of walking in circles while kids test. I bought a pedometer....forgot to open it, yet, but it made me think of using it those testing days.

Been busy with fairs and conferences and staying @ work late doing paperwork and grades so I was extremely happy to just sit down last night finally at 10 when we got home from Outback.

On a positive note, last year I gave up soda for Lent even though I really only drank it once a day at lunch time, usually. But, it has been a whole year and still no soda or desire to have any since. I was drinking juice or iced tea instead, along with water. This year I gave up everything but water. So, I am having no problem getting in almost a gallon of water a day. But, I like water, so no big thing there. The other thing I did was promise not to call in sick to school no matter how much I want to scream or cause bodily injury to complacement, incompetent co-workers. After this weekend, I am going to do MF meals only for the rest of the time.

Spring Break begins officially after school on Fri March 19th and I CANNOT wait!!!!! My aunt is visiting and we are going for a while to san diego and jsut hang out here for a while.
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Re: sidrah

Postby Joy » February 28th, 2010, 11:34 am

hoping some rest and relaxation find your way next week!
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Re: sidrah

Postby sidrah » March 1st, 2010, 12:23 am

Wellllll, gonna stay home tomorrow. Way too much paperwork not to. Sad when you have to stay home from work to have time to actually to your work.Everything else is going to stay though.

Meeting with principal in AM on Tuesday so trying to get as much done by then as possible. Sucks.....

Kinda tired. Going to bed and will work when I get up.
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Re: sidrah

Postby sidrah » March 1st, 2010, 5:44 pm

Kind of got some work done today. Not as much as I wanted to, but more than I would have gotten accomplished if I had not stayed home.

Planning to work all through the night so I should be abel to get something finished.
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Re: sidrah

Postby oksoonergirl26 » March 1st, 2010, 9:05 pm

I totally sympathize, my big assessment is on Wednesday and I hate having to give and monitor the test. I don't have any more sick days for the rest of the year-so if you see a news report about a teacher in Texas who lost it and went nuts in class, you know it was me :D ! I admire that you have given up soda and other drinks. I want to get to where all I drink is water. I made the huge mistake of drinking a Coke Zero one day and it hooked me. I didn't really drink sodas before I started MF, but I drank about a gallon of sweet tea and I miss the "sweet" at meals. I didn't have a soda today and I felt like that was a huge accomplishment for me.
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Re: sidrah

Postby sidrah » March 2nd, 2010, 3:13 am

To those asking about the MF Brownies, I pasted something from mymedifast site bleow.

I opened the little pedometer. Pretty cool. It's a Sportsline. Got it at Target. I can't recall the price, but it was cheap enough.
Going to stay home and babysit/work from home tomorrow, too. Got something finished tonight and hope to get the rest done by Friday so I can worry about nothing over break :D

Anyway, here is the Brownie data. Apparently you make it; I imagined it to be more like a granola bar or pre-packed one. Enjoy. :bib: I will be ordering some next pay day just to see what it is like. Though, I def. have enough packets to last me a while without ordering anything new.

"Now you can enjoy the taste of freshly baked brownies, still warm from the oven, with all the goodness of Medifast nutrition.

With just a few minutes of preparation, you can enjoy a rich, chocolaty experience with filling protein and fiber, fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Although Medifast Brownies taste like dessert, they are just like other Medifast Meals and are completely interchangeable on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan.


To prepare the Medifast Brownie, add 3 Tablespoons (or 1.5 ounces) cold water to the Brownie mix in one of the included trays and stir well. For best results, use a **real measuring spoon,** not a “tablespoon” from your utensil drawer, or your Brownie may not mix properly.

Order yours today and experience them for yourself!"
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Re: sidrah

Postby sidrah » March 4th, 2010, 7:20 pm

"I Got a Feeling" American Idol is boring this season, so far. What a crappy rendition.
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Re: sidrah

Postby sidrah » March 7th, 2010, 2:36 pm

Bought some Walden Farms peanut butter and Mayo. We'll see how they taste.

If the mayo is any good, I can mix some with mustard and have tuna everyday. If I had one choice for every meal, I would pick tuna and cucumbers w/ blue cheese dressing! That was why I loved Atkins. It just got expensive buying so many kinds of meat. But, we'll see. In my mind, MF was all purchased up front so after initial purchase I had nothing else to buy until I ran out and it did get kind of boring...
Don't really care as long as everything's better than yesterday was...

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Re: sidrah

Postby rodeomom » March 10th, 2010, 7:30 am

Hello Sidrah - I think we have met before, but I wanted to pop in and say, "Hey!" Let me know about that Walden Farm Peanut Butter - any PB that is allowed on the program that doesn't taste like cardboard is a plus in my book. Last time around i got stuck in a lean and salad rut and I got so tired of eating salads all the time. This time I am exploring more cooked veggie options and i am much happier for it. Drop by anytime - hope to see ya soon.
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Re: sidrah

Postby katieb920 » March 10th, 2010, 3:37 pm

My new favorite from walden farms is The caramel dip I take a tablespoon and add it to my shake and OMG yummy
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Re: sidrah

Postby Susie Q » March 12th, 2010, 5:43 am

sidrah wrote:Bought some Walden Farms peanut butter and Mayo. We'll see how they taste.

If the mayo is any good, I can mix some with mustard and have tuna everyday. If I had one choice for every meal, I would pick tuna and cucumbers w/ blue cheese dressing! That was why I loved Atkins. It just got expensive buying so many kinds of meat. But, we'll see. In my mind, MF was all purchased up front so after initial purchase I had nothing else to buy until I ran out and it did get kind of boring...

Oh yeah, I'm a tuna with mayo lover too!! I have found Tuna Creations though in my grocery store - they are tuna packets seasoned a variety of ways. I've found that I can eat it 'straight' this way without having to add anything additional to it at all. I would have never thought I would do that but its super yummy!!!

Just wondering, if I can ask, why you switched form Atkins to MF?

Hope you continue to find what works for you!

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Re: sidrah

Postby Joy » March 17th, 2010, 10:25 am

I have the brownies now. They come with trays for you to mic or back. I had to add some splenda and I have mic'd twice now and think I will do a few in the oven. Overall, they are small and taste like MF, but they are ok. Maybe 1-2 a day for those who need chocolate.

Amazing job keeping off soda for a year and now not even wanting it.

have a great day, joy
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