sick of me

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sick of me

Postby susan » September 3rd, 2004, 9:34 pm

I am sick of myself .I have been on and off .I can;t get back on .I am disgusted with myself it has been so hard to get back on the straight road again. :x :x :x but I am trying and this sat the 4 of sept. is the reunion at free sprit camp grounds in bedford on 446 . but I am still trying to go all the way on this mf program just having alot of trouble staying on .It isn;y like last time it was easy for me but not this time. when i succeed i will let you know. susan
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby Nancy » September 3rd, 2004, 10:14 pm

Susan ~

Yup, you are so right - weight loss is NOT easy - if it were, there would not be so many fat people in the America!

Susan, we know that you know HOW to do it and that you WANT to do it.

Summer is about to come to a screeching halt and then you and Elmer won't be going to the lake as much and you won't be as :twisted: tempted :twisted: with those potluck suppers you Kids like to enjoy.

I'd say, go to the Reunion tomorrow night - whoop it up! :boing: You have lost a lot of weight and you look really nice, Susan. Everyone will think that Elmer has a new woman! Enjoy the reunion walking by his side. :stroll: He is so proud of you!

Susan, smile big! :lol: The really good news is that you are totally off of your diabetes medications and that is a ROCKIN' good thing! :kool:

Monday is coming, Girlfriend. That is YOUR day to get your rear in gear and get back on the Train to Thinsville! You WILL be on board this time and we are gonna see Susan get to her goal! :coach:

Thanksgiving and Christmas can be a whole lot skinnier because Monday is YOUR day to begin.

Have a blast tomorrow at the reunion, Sweetie! :byebye:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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