Should I weigh first thing in the morning on day 1

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Should I weigh first thing in the morning on day 1

Postby marge » April 11th, 2004, 4:05 pm

Hi guys and gals..does everyone weigh themselves everyday??..I have not read any mention or I could have missed it...about vitamins...I take a lot of vitamins every day..Can I continue to do that?

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Weighing everyday?

Postby NikkiNix » April 11th, 2004, 4:45 pm

Hi marge,

I am a newbie myself and I've been on the mf diet for 11 days now. I think I heard somewhere you should weigh yourself once a week because some days you'll weigh more due to water weight gain if you don't drink enough water and other days because of your monthly visit from aunt flo. I think by weighing yourself once a week at the same time you don't get so crazed about every little pound that you gain or lose in a day and with the once a week plan you get to see the big picture. As far as the vitamins go I think if your stomach can handle then go for it. I take B6 and B12 for my hair. I tend to lose some of it when I'm on diets :cry: but I did notice I don't tend to digest all of the pills anyways. Well I'll be rooting for ya :goteam:

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