I've been waiting a long two weeks for this, my first journal entry. I'm excited to announce that I received my first Medifast box yesterday. I opened it immediately and I even tasted a bar. It was good just like the regular S'mores bars. I feel now that I am well on my way to a healthier, prettier me. It's all in my hands now is what I thought when I went to bed.
This all comes at a bittersweet moment because I was laid off on Tuesday after starting a promising new job just three weeks ago. Even though I am eager to start, I don't want to mess up by not being on a set schedule. Even though this is a tough blow, I can't let this get in the way of taking care of me. I never saw this coming. It's like being dumped by a boyfriend when you did nothing wrong.
With your help and encouragement I promise to stay inspired.
Excited but trying to stick in there.