Shipping Info for Hawaii and Alaska

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Shipping Info for Hawaii and Alaska

Postby Nancy » January 26th, 2006, 10:38 am

:byebye: Hi, Folks up north and way way out west ~

Please note that ALL orders for :ukulele: Hawaii and :cool: Alaska are shipped via United States Postal Service Priority Mail (USPS Priority Mail).

This most likely will take 5-7 business days. :shades: That means don't count the weekends, 'cuz Take Shape does not ship on Saturday or Sunday.

If the Medifast package is sent to a Post Office Box, the United States Postal Service will send a POST CARD to the recipient informing them to :drive: PICK UP their parcel at their post office.

In most cases, the recipient has ONLY 5 DAYS to pick up the package.

If it is not picked up within 5 days, it will be sent back to Medifast. :brickwall:

It’s important to consider WHERE in Hawaii the package is going...

Since there are 6 islands, once the package arrives on the Big Island of Hawaii, it may take another few days to arrive at its destination.

We also suggest that our customers proactively call their local Post Office to see if the package has arrived and if it is available for pick-up.

If you choose to expedite an order to Hawaii, the only option is "2-day service" and please know that additional shipping charges will apply. :grin:
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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