Dear raederle ~

Dutch Choc Ready to Drinks are on back order right now and we do not know when they will be available so Medifast is substituting the Chocolate Fit! RTDs. They are
virtually the same formula as the Dutch Choc Medifast RTDs EXCEPT for the

Cartoony Kids on the package (which bk pointed out - I personally

like the 'kid' boxes, too...) also the Fit! has 20 less mg of Potassium than the regular MF RTDs.
People, for the most part, the Fit! Formulas are identical to the regular line. In some instances, the Fit! has a skosh more potassium but they are interchangeable. No worries about it. Terry and I always order them when they are on sale and we slurp them right up. I like the Fit! Choc Puddin' better than the regular. Don't know why, just do!
Shipping Probs...MMT does not have any

special connections with Fed Ex or the Distribution Center - Pray that we did! We are all at their mercy. The

weather has wreaked havoc and is always something to consider in the winter months. While those of you in CA and FL may be

wearing shorts, MA, NY, MD, etc. are wearing parkas, boots and building snow people. Here in Vancouver, WA we just get fog, rain and gray days for a while. Last weekend's snow storm shut the Medifast headquarters down, the Distribution Center and the Call Center - they couldn't drive, and those that could, found locked doors.

I am really sorry that some of you have had difficulties and as Health Advisors, we will do our best to figure out where your shakes and bars are located!
Wish I had info about the Chicken With Wild Rice and Vegetables soup and the S'more Granola bars - Guess Mr. Medifast is beating the bushes for some lean chickens about now and the rice hasn't yet been harvested because of the snow! As soon as it is in, we'll let you know.

I want my Chicken With Wild Rice Soup, too!
And then there's that

skanky old Easter Bunny who must have pre-dipped into the baby marshmallow supply - I dunno, just can't come up with a reason why we can't have some more of those S'more bars!

Hmmm..if there is a low supply, just think about all of the folks around the country that must be thinnin' right now - don't let them get to their goal before you do!

Stick with your Medifast routine, don't cheat!