My shipment....

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My shipment....

Postby Ash's mom » July 20th, 2005, 1:07 pm

I just checked FedEx and my box is sitting on my doorstep in the Texas heat.....I'm wondering how the box is packaged......if not well, then my bars are doomed.....heat index of 106 today!

Anyway...guess this is as good a time as any to introduce myself. I feel like I've been stalking this board for over two weeks, till I finally decided to bite the bullet and place the order. The only thing upsetting to me is the number of newbie posts, who I never see anything from again....I hope that is not my fate. I see so many warm welcome's from everyone, then go and try and find more post on a particular person and there are none to be found. all ("ya'll" know I wanted to say it!!) seem like a wonderful group of people and I look forward to sharing my success very soon.

I have a goal to meet by March I have a trip to Disney World planned for myself and the love of my life....Ashton, my six year old son. The problem is that at my current weight, 275, I won't be able to ride the rides, so this has to work for me or it directly affects/hurts my son, which I will not let happen. Probably the best motivation I could ask for. I'm going to start this weekend...if I feel the need to eat....I'll have to clean my house instead or go to the pool, ride bikes or something....this will be easier for me than staring at my computer at work, thinking about how badly I want food....get it over with on the weekend when there is plenty to occupy me....

Hope you all (ya'll) have a wonderful day!
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Postby Sablebaby » July 20th, 2005, 2:08 pm

Hi Heather!

Yep, your bars are doomsville! :shock: They were probably melted the minute they left the building! But, don't worry, just stick them immediately in the fridge or freezer. I keep mine in the back of the fridge so i don't see them. They will be fine and even better being cold. If you just stick them in the cubboard from the packing box they will be all crums of choc (along with the bar), but if you put them in the fridge when they are melted, they will harden all up and no mess when you open them.

Good luck with your program. Just drink your water and try to drink more than enough, too. I drink 12-18 glasses a day and that helps a lot with hunger. Have buillon on hand. Make sure, if you feel woozy to drink a cup! It will perk you right up! Also, pickles are great. I like the sugar free bread and butter ones. Just two a day. Sugar free jello is allowed- two a day.

Once you hit ketosis the majority of hunger will vanish. :D It's the head hunger that may take a while to get rid of. My first week was a breeze! Not a single headache and I was literally bouncing off the walls with energy. Most people don't have that reaction, I guess I was lucky! ;)

You will meet your goal by the time you go on your trip. Just stay right here and check it whenever you feel like eating or are bored! It helped me like nothing else! :D :mrgreen:
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Postby dlr2424 » July 20th, 2005, 5:47 pm

Heather...... :wavie: ......WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!! have a great motivating tool...... :bouncie: .......being able to ride the rides at Disney..... :mrgreen: ..........your son will be so happy and you will be too..........NOW...... :no: .....don't let the newbies that may come & go ....upset you.............YOU are in the drivers seat.... :burnout: control whether you stick it out or not....... :yes: any walk of life people come and go........ there are always some who succeed and others who .......... :huh: ......well maybe it's not their time yet................try to focus on the fact that YOU WILL DO IT.....and you will have..... :goteam: ......... a hugh forum of support behind you cheering you on every pound of the way....... :cheerleader: prayers for your success....... :angel: ........

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Postby LilMsTexas » July 20th, 2005, 6:02 pm

HOWDY there Texas girl............where bouts in Texas are ye' from? hehe I'm from the Northeastern portion around the Tyler area. We are displaced in VA at the moment because my husband is in the Army. We hope to be home next year after he retires :D At any rate.....I have a FIRM policy that NO TEXAN WILL FAIL MEDIFAST! I simply can't have you be in touch with me if you need ANYTHING and I will help you in every possible way I know how........even if it's to jump up and down and scream and holler because you couldn't eat the potato salad at the bar-b-que ;) Girl let me tell ya that the REWARDS are welllllllllll worth it!

I just went to King's Dominion with my 12 year old (like 6 flags) a few weeks back before my surgery and I sat in a roller coaster for the first time in years and didn't have to worry if I would fit in it or even be uncomfortable 8) VERY EXCITING! You will be MORE than ready in a year......for goodness sakes it will never take that long sweetie!

Keep the faith and just get ready for the first 3 days........don't give up and DO NOT CHEAT in the first 3 days.....stick it out and deal with it and SLEEP as much as you can to get through it!

Take care and best of Texans are hard headed enough to do anything right?!

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby Ash's mom » July 20th, 2005, 6:50 pm

Thx to all of you for a warm welcome....I expected nothing less. I really appreciate it!!

I'm in the DFW metroplex, Frisco, Texas.....I have read all about your success LittleMsTexas and you deserve everything you are now receiving. I am originally from Louisiana and am a recent Texan transplant of 4 years and loving it!!

I'm preparing mentally and physically for the big weekend. I'm cutting out alot of my caffeine now, so to hopefully ease the huge withdrawal headache on top of the Medifast adjustment. I'm also stocking up on all the essentials...bouillon and pickels apparently are the snacks of choice around here!! hehehe

I got my box of goodies today and will clear a shelf in the pantry just for me. Luckily for me, my son loves chicken, and lean meats and loves veggies of all hopefully this won't be too much for him to handel at dinner time....I'll make sure he has the other things he needs as well of course....but he is not a picky eater...yea!

I find myself in this predicament after a devastating divorce from my husband, 6 months after moving to Texas. He fessed up that he didn't love me and was having an affair, which lead to depression and weight I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.

Anyway...that's enough about that!! Onward and upward....or downward might be more appropriate in this case.

Hope you all have a great rest of the week and I'll definately be checking in soon.
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Ash's mom

Postby DogMa » July 20th, 2005, 7:48 pm

I agree, don't let the newbies bother you. It's common on all diet boards. Plus I'm sure some folks post when they're new, and then kind of slack off even if they're still following the plan.

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Postby mytime » July 20th, 2005, 9:12 pm

Welcome Heather ! You are going to do just GREAT. Come to the site over the next three days when you need that extra boost. Like Sablebaby said don't forget your extras and remember it really works and the tough part is over before you know it. Keep posting and know we are here for you. GO FOR IT !!!!! Mytime
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Postby martha » July 20th, 2005, 9:13 pm

Hi and WELCOME.. I am from Louisiana too.. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: What part are you from?? This forum is great and the support is beyond belief.. and the really good part is that they really care about you and your success with MF.. After the first 3 days you should be okay.. It's great that your son will eat what you eat.. it makes it easier to cook then and to stay on program :mrgreen: I hate what happened to you but love that you are finally getting it on the back burner and taking control of your life.. Depression is a terrible thing and does cause alot of stress which leads to weight gain..I know this to be TRUE!!! that's what helped me gain my weight back(besides loving Food ) :mrgreen: Good luck with your 1st week and I look forward to seeing less of you each week. :mrgreen: Remember we are here for you anytime you need us..Martha
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Postby Jan » July 20th, 2005, 10:22 pm

Hi Heather,
Welcome to our group. The others are right the bars need to go in the fridge quick. I live in the Pacific Northwest so generally things don't melt unless I forget them in the car. I must say I have eaten a melted bar and it was all over my face. Still tasted great though. I probably looked like that "got milk" add. It was an oatmeal raisen.
Now to the old motivation. I have an idea :idea: :idea: Maybe if you put a picture of your son on the places that you're most likely to wander to -- you know where the things are that temp you -- you will be reminded of why you want to lose the pounds. March is about 7 months away and you should make it just fine. Just stay very compliant to the program and those ol pounds will come off and off on the rides you go. Keep checking here -- the forum members are very motivational and you know those who want it the most always make it where weight loss is concerned. You seem very motivated and will do great.!!
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