Shawna before

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Shawna before

Postby shawna » January 18th, 2004, 12:46 pm

Hi everyone,

I only have a "before" cause I've been on M-fast for 8 days. I hope to add a great "after" to this post after my goal of a 90# loss!

This is my adorable husband and me - married 1.5 years. We got married later in life (I'm 39, he's 36.) No kids (yet) but we'd love some! I've been a TV reporter/talk show host for 15 years in Seattle. Don's a steer wrestler in the Pro Rodeo circut. When we married, I gave up my TV career and my home (Seattle) and this "city girl" moved to Battle Ground (the country!) so I could join Don in pursuing his rodeo dream. In the year and a half we've been married - I piled on 60 pounds (I got depressed...I missed my career, my home town, my church, etc... ) so I ATE!! I also learned that I hated the rodeo life (travelling all weekend/every weekend -- driving for hours and hours on end. 90 degree heat everywhere we go and getting covered in dust, mud and horse manure. Not to mention fearing my hubby will get his arm ripped off as he wrestles one of those 600 pound steer to the ground! (luckily those steer made me feel like a lighweight!))

I finally pulled my head out of the dirt and decided to bloom where I'm planted - and get rid of this blubber. I hope to lose the 60 # I gained since marriage - plus an addl. 30. That will put me at 140 (I'm 5'7 1/2").


So that's me! I've been a Christian since the age of 17 and am depending on the Lord to help me through this Medifast challenge!

Glad to meet you all and naviagate this Medifast journey with you!

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Postby Indigo » January 18th, 2004, 2:13 pm

Oh, Shawna! you are SO pretty! I'm glad you are taking the step to get the rest of you beautiful, too.

I know what you mean about those dusty Rodeos - I was a Barrel Racer during my teens. It really is a different culture, isn't it? Big change from city life. . . . but it has it's own kind of simple rhythms, and I do miss it. (I've moved into the city)

Wishing you the best on your 'blooming' . . .

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Postby star85 » January 18th, 2004, 4:41 pm

You are so beautiful! You don't even look overweight in that picture. It doesn't show in your face at all. You look more like 29 instead of 39 yrs. old! It's great to finally see you. I'm still waiting for my husband to help me send a picture to Unca to post. He's been so busy that he hasn't had a chance to sit down with me so that I can show him what I need done. I don't have a clue on how to do it myself and I don't want to mess anything up. I think I'll corner him tomorrow after work and get him to do it for me! Seeing everyones pictures is getting me anxious to post mine. Talk to ya soon!

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Postby Jeanette » January 18th, 2004, 7:06 pm

No freakin way you are my age! You look WAAAAY younger!!!! :):)
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Postby Guest » January 19th, 2004, 8:41 am

Hi shawna,

Oh my gosh, I would have never beleived you were 39! Your after pic is going to blow everyone away. :D

Great to see ya.
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Postby finalstraw » January 19th, 2004, 8:44 am


Above was me, forgot to sign in,


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