by Sojourner » February 12th, 2007, 3:27 pm
No razors. No lotions. No waxing. And no hair!
I use an electrical epilator. It's similar to waxing, in that the hair is removed from the root, but it is done electrically via a handheld electric-razor-like device. Plus, you can do this yourself, at home. It also removes the finest of hairs (not that I had fine hair when I began using this product...but I do now!).
I've been using this system for years (10?). The hair grows back much finer, and I can go for about a month between uses for my armpits (longer in the winter). Even better - I can go longer than 2 months for my legs...and I used to have to shave my legs EVERY day in the summer. The hair that returns becomes finer and finer, so that even when it's there, it's not as bad. Granted, this doesn't happen overnight, but even in the beginning it was SO much better than either shaving or waxing. It's also better for your skin than either of those methods, because it doesn't scrape/rip off the skin along with the hair. No more razor-burned armpits! Yay!
Personally, the initial discomfort (aka: pain) is well worth the end result, and, truth be told, I never really experienced much pain at all. I do have a pretty high pain threshold, but's kind of like when you first started tweezing your brows - remember that? It hurt at first, but do you even feel it now? That's what the epilator is like for me. I really hardly even feel it anymore - and it certainly doesn't hurt.
Cost-wise, you have the initial output of anywhere from $30 - $100, but how many wax appts. does that entail? It's SO worth it, on every level.
(LOL, I sound like an advertisement!!)
Shake it gone, babeee!!!