You would have had a stroke if you'd been there in person... He actually took about 15 minutes to come up with the answer...(Longest 15 miinutes in my life.) I thought Regis was going to jump out of his chair and strangle him...
I was confused because he had told me before the show that if he got to the million dollar question and didn't know the answer immediately he would just take the half million and be happy. So when he didn't answer the last question right away I was wondering what was he thinking? If he didn't know it, he's supposed to walk away!!
Afterwards I asked him about it and he said the answer "moth" popped into his head immediately, because he had read about it somewhere, but then doubt started creeping in because the answer seemed to him to be so obvious. The pressure of knowing that he could lose +$400,000 vs. win $1,000,000 all based on that one question gave him pause. And he began to doubt what he read/remembered. What if it was just an urban legend, and the "truth" was really some other insect?
The tension in the room was palpable...all you could hear was that $%^&* pounding "heartbeat-like" sound in the studio (they turn it up louder and faster as you move up the ladder.) Found out later that the staff in the control room wanted Joe to just take the $500K because they didn't want to see "the kid" go down in flames...
Watching it on TV just doesn't give you the same experience as being there in person and sitting is this ice cold studio, under painfully bright lights, sitting in a chair that feels somewhat unstable, listening to this pounding heartbeat in the background.
When he finally answered the question the room just exploded in cheers...people were crying!!! He got a standing ovation that must've lasted 10 minutes. I was stunned and just sat in my seat frozen... It was all very surreal. The person in the seat next to me had to nudge me to remind me that I was supposed to go up on the stage. (The production staff had briefed me during the commercial break that if he won over $250K I should go up on stage, but if he lost I was to remain seated!) I remember that when I finally got to the stage, I couldn't see him. There was so much confetti flying around the stage and he was wearing a light shirt so I honestly couldn't pick him out... But Regis was wearing a dark suit that I could sort of make out so I headed in his direction and literally ran into Joe.
When we were finally able to get off the stage, Joe almost broke down. In fact, they had stationed a person next to him, because they thought he was going to pass out. That's how stressful the whole experience was. Joe is a really laid back, mellow individual so for him to react that way really is a good indication of how emotionally draining the experience is.
Prior to that experience, I was like you...used to yell at the TV/contestant and shout out the answers like "the dummy" could hear me. But after going through it in person...I totally understand how players can freeze up and have all rational thought evaporate while on stage.
Joe has also joined me in using Medifast and has lost over 80 pounds on it. We joke that between us we've lost a whole person. Hey, I just figured once we lose all the weight we want to we can do a commercial for Medifast..."and that's our final answer.."