Shakin' in the 50's

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Shakin' in the 50's

Postby shineface » February 27th, 2004, 6:24 am

Good Morning to ALL--- :roll: I'm feelin' down right giddy!!!

Big day for me and I couldn't wait to share it with my new MF Best Friends--today the scale hit 259 :yes: for a total loss of 31 pounds LOST-GONE-FINITO-BLOWN AWAY-PEE'd OFF -- :shoot: ---FOREVER.

I'm no Dummy -- I know I would not be doing as well without all of you! Your support, care, advice and sincere sharing of yourselves helps me everyday. EVERYONE STAY PUT - you all make a difference.


Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
Start = 1/24/04 70 down 60 up
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Postby Jeanette » February 27th, 2004, 6:44 am

Pam: You most definitely, absolutely :kool: ROCK!!!!

And no worries--I'm not going anywhere anytime soon!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Maisie » February 27th, 2004, 6:55 am


It's great to have you there for support as well. You make a difference to
all of us too. Like Jeannette says, you rock. Keep on rockin...

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Postby explorthis » February 27th, 2004, 7:42 am

I gotta laugh a little here, and hope you will also... I began Medifast 9/8/03 172 days ago today. I have visited many a website in my day. Why do I feel it necessary to visit this darn site FIRST thing in the morning, FIRST thing I do when I log on, FIRST thing I think of when coming in the door.... and about 30 times during the day... Gotta be support.

Medifast is addictive, this board is even more addictive.

Weight loss is ORGASMIC. There is NO feeling like the one I feel now, the feeling of being thinner than I have ever been in my life (other than probably birth, where I am sure I weiged in at more than 100# - I think the Doctor slapped my Mom when I came out, instead of me!!)

I am wearing this morning a pair of 501 LEVIS. Size 38" waist. say it with me - "THIRTY EIGHT" LEVIS from my Sophmore or Junior year in highschool (too long ago to remember). When I began this program 9/8/03 I was wearing a 50" waist. Do the math. I grad-e-ated high school in 1979. My math brain can't even calculate how many years that was ago. Why did I save these jeans? I dunno, hopeful thought of someday being thin(ner) enough to see myself in them again? Well, that day is here. They fit, and I look DAMN good in them, I mean DAMN good.

I had to go to a corporate meeting yesterday. I got out my sport coat, that I generally do not need to wear, nice it looked, on that hanger. Whooops, I shrunk a bit. It is a 52 long (I am sort of a tall guy) I had tried on a friends coat about 3 weeks ago, and it was a 42 tall, fit like a glove. I had forgotten that when you lose weight, you lose it all over, well my sport coat for some darn reason had grown, or I had shrunk.. YEEK I could wrap this coat almost around me twice. My wife just laughed as I looked in the mirror "uh, you can't wear that anymore" she bellows.....

Yikes Medifast is a lifesaver.... Oh the tangled web we weave...

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Wzy to Go Pam!

Postby TamiL » February 27th, 2004, 8:19 am

Pam....Congrats on your go GIRL!!! :-P :-P your doing awesome!! I always look foward to your posts...your always inspiring to me and the rest of us!! keep shakin all the way to your goal...we are all here cheering you on!! :-P

Your post made me laugh...Its got to be such a great feeling "orgasmic" as you call wear smaller clothes..and know what THIN feels like FOR GOOD!! I too find myself on my computer first thing in the well as just before I go to bed..its addictive for sure!! Ive never had support like this on any weight loss attempt...its so great!!


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Postby shineface » February 27th, 2004, 11:54 am

Jeanette, Maisie, Mike and Tami ---

Thanks for all the encouragement and praise :oops: .... I really mean it when I say without all of you ... I would not be able to be the ME that is successfully hanging with this program from Heaven. :angel:

I jump online first thing everyday and last thing at night and dozens of times during the day --- I couldn't wait to tell you all about my accomplishment!!!!!! :hi5:

My Medifast Friends, Buds, Peeps, LOSERS ---- you cheer, share and really care - and really make me think --- sometimes reflect --- very often I get a big smile across my face (today picturing Mike and Jeanette in their clothes :whistle: ) and sometimes I'm here all alone and laughing out loud - :roll: -- feels sooo good....

Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
Start = 1/24/04 70 down 60 up
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Postby Carrie » February 27th, 2004, 1:25 pm

Yay PAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go! I'm so proud of you, are you doing a happy dance? :cleader:

You go girl!!!!!

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Postby Jade » February 29th, 2004, 9:11 am

WAY TO GO PAM !!!!!!!! You're a great inspiration! Jade
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