elle4nelly wrote:Then I got bored....Really bored...decided that i didn't want a shake, I wanted just a few nuts and got a few nuts.
Oh and mike...feel free to slap me with some sense!
Do I portray the slapper type? Yikes, I have a bad name....
Ok, help me understand what bored is first.
Were you bored with the shakes?
Were you bored that you are not losing weight?
Were you bored with the progress?
Were you too bored to walk outside and wait it out?
Remember.. This is for you. This is not for your significant other, friends, kids, realitives or us. This is for YOU, only you.
We all know a pinch of nuts are not going to do any detrement to your loss, big deal no change. But...
It is this small tiny, miniscule amount of boredem that will allow just a skoosh more boredom in, more and more untill we (you) lose track of the reason we are here in the first place.
I have started 100,000 diets (well close) and I bet you have also. Soon as that first boredom "nut" comes into play, we lose sight/focus and then its all over till the next one, and the next one, and the next... Correct?
Let this be the only "LAST STOP" in your battle. Let this be your Medi-boredom-stopper
Be faithful, don't give into temptation. I promise without a shadow of doubt that Medifast is the answer. It WORKS!
Was that a slap? Don't think so...
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