shakes vs full program

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shakes vs full program

Postby falisamarie » January 10th, 2006, 12:54 pm

I was wondering if there is a wieght loss difference and how much it is between doing the full fast (all shakes) and doing the full program and using all the mf products :?:

I have decided to start my journey to thin on Sunday since it is weigh in day on the forum.

I am not looking torward to taking my before pictures :( but can't wait to see the difference in about 3 months. I have decided to take pictures along my journey every three months and can't wait to see myself shrinking :mrgreen:

I have to thank all of you guys on the forum who are regulars and tell you that you are all such an inspiration to me and the other newbies. :D

I get strength everyday from seeing you guys and your weight loss pics and reading all your encouraging words. :cleader:

Keep up the good work and I look forward to getting to know you all ;)

Happy losing

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Shakes vs full program

Postby Jan » January 10th, 2006, 12:58 pm

Hi Lisa,
I haven't noticed any difference in weight loss between those who do the complete program ( Medifast only) and those who do the 5/1. Both programs work equally as well. Don't worry you'll sooooon be slimming.
And you know what???? One day you will be more than happy to show off your "before picture" and let people look at the new skinny you and say WOW!!! :mrgreen:
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Postby Sylvia » January 10th, 2006, 1:40 pm

I agree with Jan. I initially did the complete program and switched to the modified plan about half way through. My monthly weight loss was the same. I think the difference is more psychological - on the complete program your only choice is which supplement to use. There is no way to cheat without it being glaringly obvious. On the modified plan, unless you are really in control, it is easy to have an extra bite here and there. I felt like I wasn't ready for the relative freedom of the modified plan off the bat and decided to move to it once I felt better equipped to handle it.

This time around I've started on the modified plan and so far so good...
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Postby dlr2424 » January 10th, 2006, 6:36 pm

Lisa.... :wavie: ....welcome...... :D ....i'm looking so forward to sharing this journey with will find this forum to be an amazing inspiration... :hug: ...I ditto Sylvia & Jan... :secret: ..just follow the plan accordingly and you will be at your goal in record time.... :drive: .......and remember.. :couch: hard as it is to post our before pictures.. :heart: is such an inspiration to others.. :hug: gives them hope......keep shaking


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Postby betz » January 11th, 2006, 8:19 am

I tried both Complete and 5/1 ...and actually didn't lose as quickly on the Complete.

I only tried the Complete for 3 don't use me as a guide.

I think ...ultimately the choice between the plans has to be a personal one based on what fits your life/personality best.

I would very much miss not sharing dinner with my guy, for example. So I make us BOTH a nice lean and green. (he can use to lose a few lbs...:) )

Also, I've used this meal to "relearn and rethink" my cooking habits.

I've been doing maintenance for the last few months-- and successfully! I have about 3 MF supplements a day--mainly because I love the soy protein and the benefits I feel from it. The one thing I haven't kept the water! It's so easy to get out of that habit...keep guzzling gang!

Now, however...I'm going to try to lose the next (and probably last) ten, so it's back to the 5/1 for me.
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Postby falisamarie » January 11th, 2006, 8:35 am

thanks for all the great feedback!!! This forum rocks :yay:
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