Shake taste "Once and for all"

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Shake taste "Once and for all"

Postby explorthis » October 31st, 2003, 1:26 pm

Gotta toss in my 2 cents here about the taste of the shakes…

The shakes are good. I have RELIGIOUSLY taken/drank/drunk/drinked/consumed/gulped/sipped/pounded/shot my shakes since 9/8/03. (that is 53 days today) Not all of them are my favorite, but then again everyone has different tastes. All the shakes are good, some better than others. My favorite is the Dutch Chocolate. This one tastes exactly like the Chocolate Slimfast one. I actually look forward to the shake. As for adding items such as flavorings, or syrups, I am way too lazy for this. The farthest I have gotten is to mix some w/Diet Coke, which makes them really filling. To each their own. The shakes themselves are pretty good considering!!! The one thing I do DEMAND is that my shakes are ICE COLD, this makes them excellent.

This hinting of the shakes not being good, has taken on a slight derogatory turn. If I can go from MONSTER eating for 42 years, to full fasting with shakes that are pretty tasty, then anyone can do it.

I don’t want someone to shy away from beginning this program based on thinking the shakes are not good.

There must be hundreds of variations (1-2 for Mr. Mike Lazy) to make the shake different, but they are good “stand alone”

I am just wondering when they will come up with a Big-Mac, or Prime Rib flavor?

About 50# and still loosing!!



Please, any future readers to this, understand, I am in no way connected (other than support and friendship) to anyone on this board. All of these words and thoughts I post here are voluntary, and ALL my own. I support this program because it works for me, and it WILL work for you!!
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Postby Unca_Tim » October 31st, 2003, 3:04 pm

shhhhh Mike

Don't tell anyone I was bribing you with a big mac to say that....
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Shake Taste

Postby Nancy » November 3rd, 2003, 7:14 pm

Hey, Mike, I'm with you, Brother regarding the taste of the shakes. I appreciate your comments. It concerns mois when there are many negatory comments about the flavors. Typically men prefer the ease of the shakes and the fact that they taste fine the way they are. Women like to mess with the flavors more.

I think they taste great. They do the job and that's the most important part to me. Like you, Dutch Choc is my fave. There are some shakes that I can certainly live without - okay, there's ONE flavor that I can live without. Swiss Mocha. Argh. I can make my own Swiss Mocha with very little time involved - merely add a teaspoon of instant coffee to the Dutch Choc packet OR mix cold coffee with the Dutch Choc. Very easy. Very good. Very thinning. :-) Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

BTW, I am going to respond to your inquiry about transisiton and maintenance. I really need to get busy as Ellen needs some info, too. Sorry I am behind. Terry took me to San Diego for my birthday and I had some problems as a result of the fires. :roll:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby Lois » November 4th, 2003, 7:01 am

Hi Mike.

I'm glad you posted. I was getting a little worried about starting Medifast when I read that some folks don't like the shakes. I had my very first shake this morning, and I thought it tasted great.

I've got about 100 pounds to lose, so I BETTER make friends with these shakes, right?! :lol:

I've been reading your posts and have been inspired by your story.

Keep up the great work,

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you can do this

Postby susan » November 6th, 2003, 3:13 pm

Hi Lois, it seams like there is alot of us trying to lose about the same amount of wt. we can do this. and read all the things that everone writes it really inspires me and keeps me on tract I will win the battle of the bulge and so can you and everone else thank god for medifast and Nancy,Terry and Tim they keep us on track Susan
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Postby Lois » November 6th, 2003, 8:29 pm

Hi Susan....

We are in this together! One of the things that encouraged me to try Medifast is that other folks on this site also have serious weight to lose. I knew I'd feel like I could be honest about my size and that I would't be alone in my weight loss journey.

Won't it be FUN to get skinny together??????? 8)


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Postby VK » November 7th, 2003, 4:49 pm

While I don’t have a problem with the taste of the shakes, especially the chocolate, I intensely dislike the flavor and texture of the bars. Somebody suggested I try them frozen and even that didn’t work for me. I have yet to try the soups so I can’t offer an opinion. We all have our likes and dislikes, and though I did read messages about people disliking the shakes, it didn’t deter me from starting the program. I think it would be FAR more discouraging for a newbie to read a bunch of sugar-coated messages (pun intended) about how wonderfully yummy every single Medifast item is, then get the shipment and realize people were exaggerating. I’m pretty sure that’s how some Medifast products end up being auctioned off on Ebay!

I’ve found the advice here about making the products tastier VERY helpful, and I appreciate the straightforward messages of those who posted their opinions. It’s good to know, for example, that the chili and soups might need to be cooked a little longer to achieve the best taste and texture. A newbie who read only great things about the products would feel like a freak if s/he didn’t like them. They might wonder if something was wrong with his/her tastebuds because all the messages just raved about the taste. We’re being truthful about something very painful and very private - our struggles with weight. Surely this forum can accommodate all the opinions of its members. Medifast is like any other food. Some people will like certain things, and others will not. There’s nothing derogatory or negative about that at all.

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