Shake Question

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Shake Question

Postby JustJeni » March 16th, 2006, 6:49 pm

I wasn't sure where to post this.......I want to be able to workout a little more than I do. Is it wise of me to order the Medifast 70 shakes instead of the Medifast 55 shakes? Also is the taste a lot different? Thanks in advance!
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Medifast 70's

Postby Jan » March 16th, 2006, 8:09 pm

Hi There,
Active women as well as men use the Medifast 70's. They just have a little more protein (about 5 grams more with each shake) Thus, 3 shakes have l5 grams more protein -- that's the difference between the MF 55 and the MF 70. They taste the same and mix the same. If you want to exercise a bit more they are most likely a good idea. Just remember after the first three weeks on program exercise is fine but no more than 45 minutes. That's about all the extra calories you have to expend.
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Postby JustLynda » March 17th, 2006, 5:11 am


I'm to lazy this morning to get out my QuickStart guide. Is that 45 minutes per day?

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Postby Jan » March 17th, 2006, 9:15 am

The number of days each week that you exercise depends upon you. I would suggest 3 times a week to start. ( that's after a full three weeks on program.) Work up gradually. No more than 45 minutes each time. You don't have a lot of calories to spare. I know some people exercise everyday -- if you have no problems, light headed, overly tired or slowed weight loss (or even a halt in weight loss) you are most likely fine. If you do have symptoms -- cut back.
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