on a serious mission

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on a serious mission

Postby Nite Izes » December 31st, 2004, 12:51 pm

Ok, my dear friends, here it is the end of 2004 and in a few hours it will be a new year and a new set of goals for me to achieve.

Here's my mission, to set a new mini goal till Mar 27, 2005. I chose that date since it is when I first started and will be my 1st year anniversary on Medifast. When I started Medifast, I was already on a weight loss medically supervised program from the doctor of low carb, high protein, but it was worse than turtle mode to lose weight and not stable. So we talk about Medifast with the recommendation that I cannot be on a full liquid program, but one with a low fat, high protein, low carb meal. We agreed and the journey began. Even with the meals that I am required to be on, I still lost in these past 9 months 50 lbs (with a few stubborn plateaus along the way). Well, my plateau has ended and I am losing weight again (I did gained a few lbs due to being pissed that I could not lose anymore during that time).

So I will make this my journal thread updating every week as I go along to help me stay on track and keep losing to improve my health and lifestyle. I am right now at 240 lbs (phooey), but I am not ashame to say that I gained and with that out on the open, I will stick to my plan and hopefully weigh by the end of my anniversary date 200 lbs!!!! That would be a 40lbs weight loss, although it might sound far fetch, I am sticking to that goal number and hope I can do it.

Now guys, on top of being depressed over my plateaus, please provide alittle support to me to stay on track with my goals. I have been through so much this year and really need a few simple words of support to help me combat this morbid obesity, lose the weight and keep it off without gaining. I now have 104 lbs to lose to be at my ultimate goal of 136 lbs.

If anyone else want to join in feel free to jot your data below or you can start your own thread so we can all cheer each other on and see our actually update whether we lose any weight or not. I feel it is the best thing we can do to keep us on track and not feel down like I have, kinda like a motivational personal thread for each of us as well as see how we are to date. You chose your own personal goal date and weight. I need it in big bold fonts so I can stare at it everytime I come here :mrgreen:

personal goal date Mar 27, 2005

starting wt/amt to lose/amount lost/goal


let me add the total stats for 2004 as well, initial weight for Jan 1 was 303 lbs and on Mar 27 it was 285, but I have to add from the beginning. Although, I got to weigh in at 235 in November, I did gain a few lbs afterwards and am now at 240 lbs, so that is my ending weight for 2004. At least, I lost a total of 63 lbs for the year without surgery or weight loss drugs. I did it naturally with Medifast and low impact exercising. It was slower than other, but the weight did come off without saggy, flabby or hanging skin. I feel happy about that.

total weight stats from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2004

Jan 1st/goal amt to lose/actual lost/Dec 31st

Last edited by Nite Izes on January 1st, 2005, 7:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
start date: 3/27/04
BMI=55.4 New BMI= 38.0
WT Loss= -95/-77
√ 1st goal= 250 BMI= 45.7
√ 2nd goal=219 BMI= 39.9
3rd goal = 191 BMI= 34.9
4th goal = 163 BMI= 29.8
5th goal = 140 BMI= 25.6
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Nite Izes
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » January 1st, 2005, 7:26 am

What a great idea!! You know what you want and with MF you know how to get there!!
I wish you all the success in the world and we will be here to cheer you on!!
I think my first mini goal would be to lose 10 more pounds which will take me to 60 pounds lost by my birthday which is 28 days from now!!
My original goal was to lose 50 by my birthday and I achieved that as of Dec 31, so this is my new goal :D
I have been trying to set myself mini goals monthly and then reward myself with some small item when I reach them.
I started it out in Ocotber by buying myself an Italian Charm bracelet
and adding a star for my first loss! Now I add a charm or two weekly as I lose as they are only around $2-$3 a piece and I am beginning to have a lovely bracelet, and every time I wear it I remember how well I have done and feel even better about how I look and feel!
It certainly beats the OLD way of awarding myself, which was with sweets
or a huge dinner and I actually have something to show for it besides tighter clothes :x
Great thread!
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Postby Nancy » January 1st, 2005, 2:46 pm

Nite ~

Thank you for your honest note. Oh, I see a mini mini-goal for this week. You said you had 104 pounds to go - stick with your eating plan this week and by next week, you'll be under the 100 pound limbo line! Yeah!

I like Shrink's idea - sheesh! As she keeps it up, she'll have an Italian charm belt! Hee hee! A bracelet is a great idea - everytime you stretch out your arm, you see it and it reminds you to THINK before you grab grub!

Shake on, Forum Friends!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Nite Izes » January 1st, 2005, 7:12 pm

I think it is best for me to also add the total stat for the year 2004, to see how long I have come. Just looking at it gives me inspiration to keep losing without giving up.

I also like Mary's idea. It gives me something to think about. I cannot wait to take my after pics at the end of March to compare with my before pic to see if anyone can tell. My brain still cannot see the difference, although over 60 lbs has vanished from me and I have gone from size 24 to size 18 in clothes. I dropped a total of 6 sizes in one year.
start date: 3/27/04
BMI=55.4 New BMI= 38.0
WT Loss= -95/-77
√ 1st goal= 250 BMI= 45.7
√ 2nd goal=219 BMI= 39.9
3rd goal = 191 BMI= 34.9
4th goal = 163 BMI= 29.8
5th goal = 140 BMI= 25.6
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Nite Izes
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great thread

Postby mombarnes » January 3rd, 2005, 12:04 pm

This is a great thread & I applaud everything you have to say.
This forum will be a great way to share your journey & inspire all of the rest of us.
If you need it:

GOOD LUCK!! I'm proud to "know" you!!!
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Postby LadyChamp » January 4th, 2005, 2:11 pm

Wonderful idea and plan. I am cheering for you! :cleader:

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