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Postby alpha femme » October 15th, 2006, 2:06 pm

happy anniversary, jo.

even though i haven't met you, i am very proud of you.
i've watched people come and go on this board,
and i know how hard it is to stick with it when things aren't going the way we want. i'm proud of you for toughing it out.

i'm proud of how far you've come.

i'd also like to say that you are a fine-@ss chick these days.

congrats to you.
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Postby DogMa » October 15th, 2006, 2:21 pm

Believe me, I spend more than my share of time either reading, on the computer or watching TV. I'm active when I'm working out - then I'm a slug the rest of the day. And I started out with something I could do at home because I'm also a wimp, plus sometimes I think a bit agoraphobic or something. I think it's why I prefer the treadmill to the weights all of a sudden - the treadmill is something I can do at home.

And I'm with everyone else. Your tenacity is truly inspiring, and I'm proud to "know" you. I can't wait for you to reach goal!!

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » October 15th, 2006, 5:26 pm

Happy Anniversary Serendipity!!!! You have been an inspiration to me from the beginning of my MF journey!! You are awesome!!!! :yourock:

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Postby Serendipity » October 15th, 2006, 5:47 pm

Thanks chickies. It truly doesn't seem like it's been a year. I've been reflecting all day. Thinking about how I felt at this time last year.....remembering the little ray of hope that was peeking through my gray cloud.....not wanting to expect too much for fear of failure.

Did any of you know that my original plan was to just do Medifast for a month or two to give me a kick start? After 2 weeks on plan, that plan was scrapped. I knew I was doing what it would take to get right here right now.

Robin, you are the poster child for perserverance. I'll be the poster child for just sticking to plan and letting it happen.
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Postby Serendipity » October 16th, 2006, 9:13 am

Ok, I have just one thing to say today:

HOW 'BOUT DEM STEELERS!!!!! :cheerleader:

Edited to add the little skinny cheerleader.....that's me!
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Postby Jen » October 16th, 2006, 9:24 am

Serendipity wrote:Did any of you know that my original plan was to just do Medifast for a month or two to give me a kick start?

That was my original intention as well. :dohdoh: After a few weeks it sunk in that I could ride the Medifast wave all the way to my goal weight.
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Postby Serendipity » October 16th, 2006, 2:46 pm

I had the most horrendous day at work. grrrrrrrrrrr. This is the kind of day in my old life that I would have come home and shoveled in the food. I am so mad at a client that I could have screamed at her! Of course, I had to hold it all in and be nice, but believe me, she deserved to be screamed at. I just love it when you give someone advice, they don't take it, and then blame you for the consequences.......grrrrrrrrrrr on her.

Ok, I feel better.........not really.
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Postby DogMa » October 16th, 2006, 2:52 pm

See, now THIS is a perfect time for a walk or some other exercise. It really does release a lot of stress and anger. Even better than a big bowl of ice cream (because afterward, you're not all stressed and angry at yourself for eating a big bowl of ice cream!!).

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Postby lauradr » October 16th, 2006, 4:54 pm

Jo, :bighug: Hope tomorrow's better for you
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby Diana » October 17th, 2006, 7:53 pm

I hear ya, Jo!! The first quarter is over and I'm approaching DONE!! It's been a real challenge NOT to turn to food to comfort and soothe.

I put in my requisition for a tazer over a year ago....I'll gladly share when it comes in. :mrgreen:
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Postby Serendipity » October 18th, 2006, 5:15 am

Gotta get me one a dem tazers! Funny thing.....the new office we're moving into was a doctor's office before and when we went to look at it, it still had lots of medical stuff laying around. The doctor is my husbands uncle and he was telling us about some of the history of the "artifacts". In one of the rooms, there was a very imposing piece of machinery with lots of knobs and guages and wires coming out of it that looked like jumper cables. He told us he used that machine to cauterize and to burn off warts. My husband asked him if he could leave it for us to use on our clients, lol. The thing should be in a museum, but I do think hubby is considering sticking it in a corner just as a conversation piece, lol. I could have used it the other day.

Food journal update: Still plodding along

10 more pounds to go. I'm noticing a metamorphosis of my mind. I'm turning into a thin person inside. I'm starting to believe that I am thin. It's not a conscious effort, it's just happening. I'm starting to think like a thin person. When Robin posted about having a big juicy hamburger, I said to myself....."EW". Talk about a metamorphosis! I used to love hamburgers with lots of cheese and grilled onions on a big, it seems revolting. (sorry, Robin)

My activity is that of a thin person. I'm not talking about exercise. I'm talking about every day activity. When I was fat, if I was sitting down, the laws of physics kept me there. Now, I'm up and down all the effort. If I need something from the bedroom, I don't make a list and wait until the trip is worth my while, I just go and get it. The basement used to be uncharted territory for me. I called it my husband's domain. Now I'm thinking of moving my sewing room down there.....and there are lots of steps to get there. I'm tellin' ya, I used to think in terms of just how far I had to move my body to get something or do something. It's no longer an issue. I surprise myself daily. It's nice.
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Postby Lizabette » October 18th, 2006, 7:18 am


Thinking and acting 'thin' means you are winning the battle...
and means that you have no intention of ever going back to the old way!

Just seeing the look of pride in HB's eyes yesterday as I walked toward him from the car,
and how he brags at every opportunity to anyone who will listen makes it so worthwhile.
Can't ever disappoint him or myself again.

The way I keep myself on my toes is by weighing myself every morning!
It's a foolproof way to know I am really maintaining.
It's where I'm at right now!

BTW, I'm reading a little book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"...even those 'impossible' clients!!! :x
Good going, my friend,

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Postby Serendipity » October 20th, 2006, 5:06 am

Food journal update: Still doing ok.

This weekend my husband is leaving for a week to go hunting in North Dakota. For the life of me, I can't understand why grown men would want to drive in a truck full of dogs for 24-28 hours to a cold, cold place to tromp around in fields getting muddy, dogs rollin' around in mud puddles....I just don't get it, but if that's what makes him happy.......

Anyhow, my plans are to work on a quilt for the new baby. I need to have it done by the first Saturday in Nov. because that's shower day....the pressure is on. On top of that, I have to babysit Jake for 4 days next week. And do we have plans!?! We're going to the movies, planning dinner and cooking together, reading books, watching Sponge Bob, playing Mouse Trap, Candyland, Shutes and Ladders, and Guess Who. The list goes on. Every time I call Jake he wants to know if I'm coming tomorrow, lol.

I'll post a picture of the quilt when I get it done.
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Postby Serendipity » October 20th, 2006, 6:25 pm

Well! It's never too late to learn something on Medifast. I have been pretty set in my ways. I pretty much stick to oatmeal, RTD's, Dutch chocolate and vanilla shake packets.....a soup once in awhile and a bar a day. A long time ago, I tried a sample of the chocolate pudding. I wasn't impressed at all. It was kinda runny and pretty much tasted like instant jello pudding which I never liked. Sooooo, I never ordered any.....months and months go by and I receive a few packets in a trade. Ok, so I'll try it again even though I'm not gonna like it.....but this time I'll stick it in the freezer for awhile. I've gotta say.....I'll be ordering some chocolate pudding this month with my autoship. Makes a nice treat before bed.
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Postby Serendipity » October 21st, 2006, 4:44 am

I was up really early this morning to see my husband off on his trip so I took the time to re-read my journal. I recommend it! It was a nostalgic trip through my journey.

Anyway, while reading it, I realized that I had omitted my trip to Jekyll Island with my girlfriends. Thought I'd post the link to another thread that relates to that with a picture of us:
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