Intelligent me - 1
Munchies - 0
Went to the store yesterday with all kinds of head talk going on. Daddy's away, hehehehe. But that doesn't mean you can let loose, jo. Why not? Because the scale won't be kind and it's just not grown up to do it. But what damage can I do in one week? Lots, honey. etc, etc.
The first thing I saw was a display of carrot cake and pumpkin stuff with that cream cheese frosting......I stopped and looked. mmmmmmm I could scarf one of those down in a sitting and it would be gone, then I would be good. Move on, jo. If you still want it when you're done shopping, then get it. OK! On to the's muich safer there.
Whew, I made it through the produce isle and on to the meat. Picked up a really good steak and a roasting chicken. Smart jo. Picked up some low fat blue cheese for my salad. Smart jo. Looked at the brie. mmmmmm NOOOOO! OK OK!!! No brie, then. Smart jo is starting to annoy me.
On to the's pretty safe there. Just needed a few things. Skipped the cookie isle, though I had half in mind to save it for the bakery isle, so it wasn't hard to skip the cookie isle.
Dairy - there's the chocolate know I haven't had chocolate milk for over 2 years! Maybe....NOOOOOO. Stop it, jo. Move on! ALRIGHT!
Bread - hmmmmm. cinnimon toast would be so good for breakfast. Ok, jo, read the label and if you still want it. Smart jo spoiled that one. Wayyyyyy too many carbs for comfort. Put some 100% whole wheat in the cart.
The Bakery - I lingered. Looked, picked up, smelled. No bake cookies! Pay dirt! Um, jo? Those will give you a tummy ache, dear. True, but they will taste so good, it's worth it! No, sorry, it isn't, dear. Well, what about these iced oatmeal cookies? They're kind of like MF oatmeal, right? No, dear, they aren't. But they're oatmeal and oatmeal is good for me. Not in cookies, hunny. But I've been good! I know, so let's not spoil it. Smart jo is such a drag.
By the time I left the bakery, I had done so much salivating over stuff and passed so much by that its wasn't even hard to pass by that carrot cake and pumpking stuff. I checked out without one "treat" in my basket.
I should have been so proud of myself at that point, but do you know how I felt? Like I had lost the opportunity. I left the store wailing like a spoiled child inside. But guess what! That doesn't matter, because smart jo won the battle.
See? I'm still a sicko. I would love to purge that spoiled brat inside me, but I think she's here to stay. Such is life inside my head.