Ok, so I've been a little lax in the journal this week. Busy here. Would you believe the final tax deadline is on Monday and we are still waiting for information from clients? Sheeeez......it
IS EARLY! I mean we have 2 whole working days to get it all done!
Anyway, I had a major breakthrough and I need to document it. I've been continuing my walking. I think I've only missed 2 days since I got back from vacation. Yesterday was one of those days because I slept in and then I had lunch with a friend and couldn't walk during my lunch hour and then I had my knitting club to the house after work, so no time. Sooooooo, to day should have been a walking day, right? Right. I was too tired this morning and told myself I would after work and anyway it was raining. Lunch with the office staff prevented the lunchtime walk. I told myself all afternoon that maybe I would just skip it today. Same excuses that I used to use. In fact that's what stopped me in my tracks. The old thinking was slipping back. Stopped right there, went back to the hubster's office and said "Today is a test for me. If I don't walk tonight, I fail". He was so sweet. He's learned not to get involved, so all he did was ask me if I was going walking after work.
I got home. Luckily, hubby was already sitting at the computer, so I couldn't park it. I stood in the kitchen and read the mail.....oh a Pottery Barn catalogue....gotta look through that. Walking? Well, it's pretty chilly out there and looks like it could sprinkle......maybe in a bit I'll decide. What's for supper discussion needs to happen first. Then I need to clean up a little bit.....pet the cat......1/2 hour passes and I'm still in my work clothes. I was THIS CLOSE to bagging the walk, but then something from deep inside said NO! Told my hubby I was going to change and go for a walk and at the moment I was committing to a walk around the block and that's it. Whew! I got through whatever brick wall I had built and ended up walking my usual 45 minutes.
I know this post is too long and too wordy and meaningless to anyone who reads it because they don't know how hard it has been for me to form this habit of exercise. I had the food part down pretty well, but the exercise has alluded me for so long. I not only am walking when I want to walk, I'm walking when I
don't want to, too!
Yay me!
Oh yeah, and I forgot to post: The vacation weight is history.

276/135 since December 1, 2006
"Grandma, how did you make yourself so little?", My grandson, Jake