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Postby Ginabobina1969 » September 30th, 2007, 8:48 pm

Image Jo!
The thought of all those stairs makes me dizzy, :? you should be very proud!!

Good to have ya back.

Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
Restart-Awaiting order. I cannot even bear to post my current weight...yet.
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Postby bikipatra » October 1st, 2007, 3:18 am

Joleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn is back!!!! And I know how those long flights are beauty killers. It took almost 24 hours with stops to get to South Africa and I looked 10 years older! I am so happy you are back!
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Postby katesmom » October 1st, 2007, 3:53 am

Welcome Back Jo !

As you can tell...Everyone missed you !

Did you see Hula Girl???
Started 7/24/10
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Postby DntCryLilEmoGrl » October 1st, 2007, 5:20 am

Hi Jo!

Its great to come back and see a familiar face still on here! i see you went on a nice lil vacation :) you look amazing btw :)
"Soon to be mrs sexy pants"
lilemo's getting married on April 6th 2008!!!!!

started changing my life 5/15/06
restarted 10/01/07
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Postby nickieluv » October 1st, 2007, 5:32 am

Welcome back! Can't say as I made it for your compliance challenge but I am doing better - and from this day to Christmas I am thinking of nothing but MF products and L&Gs.
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Postby bikipatra » October 1st, 2007, 5:44 am

DntCryLilEmoGrl wrote:Hi Jo!

Its great to come back and see a familiar face still on here! i see you went on a nice lil vacation :) you look amazing btw :)

Did you see the pictures from we she came to DC and we got together? She looks great in those too and she is even wearing a tiara I thought she deserved!~
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Postby MerryMary » October 1st, 2007, 9:32 am

Welcome back, Jo! Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. Someone who works as hard as you do certainly deserves it! :D
Started MF 11/6/06; reached goal 9/27/07.
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Postby DogMa » October 1st, 2007, 9:56 am

Jo, welcome back! I'm glad you had a good time, and of COURSE any extra pounds will be gone in a flash.

Reached goal in August 2006
Added BodyBugg in May 2009
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Postby Serendipity » October 1st, 2007, 1:24 pm

Did you see Hula Girl???

No, I didn't. We got our signals crossed. I thought she was going to pm me her phone number, but I never got it. I did think of her - about how lucky she is to live in such a beautiful place. And let me tell you, the Hawaiians are some of the most friendly people I have ever come across in my travels.

I'm sorry I missed you Kanani. We already have plans to return in a few years because there was so much to do, we couldn't fit it all in.

Hi Jo!

Its great to come back and see a familiar face still on here! i see you went on a nice lil vacation you look amazing btw

Hey there Melissa! Would you believe I was just thinking of you the other day! Glad to see you back.

I am so happy you are back!

Awwwww, bebes. I'm so glad to be back. Missed my little frosted violet.

and of COURSE any extra pounds will be gone in a flash.

From your lips to God's ears, Robin. So far so good, though.

Thanks for the welcome back, everyone.
276/135 since December 1, 2006
"Grandma, how did you make yourself so little?", My grandson, Jake
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Postby Serendipity » October 1st, 2007, 2:16 pm

I'm responding to a conversation in another journal with my own thoughts....a little scattered, but here goes:

We never know how what we say can impact a newcomer or even an oldtimer.

Wow, there are definately two sides to this issue. On the one hand, journaling should be a personal thing and the author should be able to write whatever she/he wants and should have control over the content. On the other hand, what bebes said (the quote above) is really something to think about. If all we write about is how we are getting around the program and how we are struggling, that isn't really very supportive for those just joining or those who are also struggling.

Don't get me wrong. I love my journal. I like the conversational aspect. I like the way journals have made us a closer knit group. In my own journal, I have tried to remain positive and supportive. I've had some struggles, but I try not to elaborate here. In reality, I treat this journal as a personal space with limits. I try to be honest without dwelling on the struggles. I can work those out inside my head...and believe me it gets pretty crowded there sometimes, pm a good friend, or talk it over with my health advisor.

The downside to including all of our thoughts in our own personal journals is that so many of our thoughts and actions are not Medifast endorsed. Sure, I can read a journal and knowing the person writing it, I pretty much know where that person is coming from. I've been around for 2 years, so I know. A new member reading it could be completely turned off and leave the forum or worse, leave Medifast altogether.

I think we as a group need to keep this in mind when we are posting - even in our journals. I want this forum to be a happy place to be and a supportive place and even a tough love place when need be. What I don't want it to become is a place where I can read about how so and so fell off again and isn't beating her/himself up and will probably do the same tomorrow and then everyone chiming in with positive support and pats on the back and "it's ok's". It's not ok and it's downright not helpful to give that kind of support. (just my opinion)

I'm not sure what the answer is. I would really hate closing the journals completely. Personally, I think we can all be grownups here and become more responsible with our postings.

I'm not done yet, but I have to leave work, so to be continued later.......
276/135 since December 1, 2006
"Grandma, how did you make yourself so little?", My grandson, Jake
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Postby katesmom » October 1st, 2007, 2:26 pm

Serendipity wrote:I'm responding to a conversation in another journal with my own thoughts....a little scattered, but here goes:

We never know how what we say can impact a newcomer or even an oldtimer.

Wow, there are definately two sides to this issue. On the one hand, journaling should be a personal thing and the author should be able to write whatever she/he wants and should have control over the content. On the other hand, what bebes said (the quote above) is really something to think about. If all we write about is how we are getting around the program and how we are struggling, that isn't really very supportive for those just joining or those who are also struggling.

Don't get me wrong. I love my journal. I like the conversational aspect. I like the way journals have made us a closer knit group. In my own journal, I have tried to remain positive and supportive. I've had some struggles, but I try not to elaborate here. In reality, I treat this journal as a personal space with limits. I try to be honest without dwelling on the struggles. I can work those out inside my head...and believe me it gets pretty crowded there sometimes, pm a good friend, or talk it over with my health advisor.

The downside to including all of our thoughts in our own personal journals is that so many of our thoughts and actions are not Medifast endorsed. Sure, I can read a journal and knowing the person writing it, I pretty much know where that person is coming from. I've been around for 2 years, so I know. A new member reading it could be completely turned off and leave the forum or worse, leave Medifast altogether.

I think we as a group need to keep this in mind when we are posting - even in our journals. I want this forum to be a happy place to be and a supportive place and even a tough love place when need be. What I don't want it to become is a place where I can read about how so and so fell off again and isn't beating her/himself up and will probably do the same tomorrow and then everyone chiming in with positive support and pats on the back and "it's ok's". It's not ok and it's downright not helpful to give that kind of support. (just my opinion)

I'm not sure what the answer is. I would really hate closing the journals completely. Personally, I think we can all be grownups here and become more responsible with our postings.

I'm not done yet, but I have to leave work, so to be continued later.......

Hi Jo,
I as a newcomer have thoroughly enjoyed coming here no matter what I'm feeling in my own journal. If I can't post on a certain day or read any journals due to a busy schedule, it's okay...I know I can log-in any time and read and/or say hello...

I have found this site and the journals VERY HELPFUL !!

Just my opinion as a relatively new "newbie" !!
Started 7/24/10
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Postby Serendipity » October 2nd, 2007, 2:58 am

I love Medifast! I just wanted to say that for the thousandth time. I was feeling so bloated after my food trip, but after 2 1/2 days on program, I'm back to feeling human. I have a little ways to go, but have already lost 3 pounds of the flubber.

Strange - this time I think I entered ketosis in record time with no side effects! waaaahooooooo! I'm on my way right back to my skinny self. :mrgreen:

People! This program works! Stay compliant, look forward, and enjoy.
276/135 since December 1, 2006
"Grandma, how did you make yourself so little?", My grandson, Jake
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Postby katesmom » October 2nd, 2007, 3:18 am

Hi Jo,
Just wanted to say good morning...Since my shipment arrived yesterday (It was 5 days late!) I have lost 2 more pounds ! Yahoo ! You're right...Do the job and you get the rewards...simple.

Have a lovely day and I'm really glad that you're back ! :D
Started 7/24/10
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Postby katieb920 » October 2nd, 2007, 5:18 am

Hi Jo,

Glad you had a great time. And I am glad your back safe and sound. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">
when you were in hawaii did you do any luau's (i do not know how to spell it) That was one of my favorite things when I went to hawaii. Oh and going to Hana

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Postby Serendipity » October 2nd, 2007, 1:15 pm

I'm just so tickled with myself that I had to post. I'm still walking every day! I can't believe that I want to, but I do. At lunch time, the time I normally veggggg out, I decided to take a walk instead. I walked to the local park. To and from took me 45 minutes, prolly not quite 3 miles, but enough. I've walked 3 miles every day since I got home! So that's something like 20 days in a row!!!!

By Jove! I think I've got it! (bebes, use your best Paulie accent here) :mrgreen:
276/135 since December 1, 2006
"Grandma, how did you make yourself so little?", My grandson, Jake
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