I was watching "Last Holiday" last night with Queen Latifah. There is a part when she is assisting the head chef of a fancy hotel in preparing dinner (long story). Anyway, at one point you see him making deep fried and perfectly seasoned *turnips*! I was cracking up!!!
Here is the recipe. Maybe we can try it with butter flavored Pam???
Boil 3 or 4 turnips till they are three parts cooked.
Take them up, drain them, cut them into slices, and fry them in hot fat till they are lightly browned and quite tender.
Peel them and cut them into very thin slices.
Let them lie in cold water for an hour, and drain them.
Dissolve a slice of butter in a stewpan, and in this dissolve 1 tablespoon of chopped onion for five minutes.
Put in the slices of turnip, sprinkle a little pepper and salt over, and let them steam till they are soft.
A spoonful or two of water may be added if there is any fear that they will burn.