Selling my Medifast meals at 55%off Incl loads of free items

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Selling my Medifast meals at 55%off Incl loads of free items

Postby dbedrosi » January 11th, 2009, 8:29 am

Hi Medifasters,

Hi Folks,
I have many medifast meals/boxes that I'll never use and wanted to offer them, to anyone who's interested, for a much less than I paid for them. I'm also throwing in lots of free meals/items as well.
Please let me know if you're interested (my home phone is 847-869-5256):

I'm offering the below at a cost of $289 (I paid $643 for below):
1 boxes Dutch Chocolate Shake
3 boxes Chocolate Plus For Appetite Suppression Shake
4 bottles of Omega 3 supplements
1 Dutch Chocolate Shake Antioxidant
1 Cherry Pomegranate Shake Antioxidant
2 box Blueberry Antioxidants Shake
5 boxes Blueberry Oatmeal
1 box Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal
1 box Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
1 Box Chili Soup
1 box Peanut Butter Bar
1 box Caramel Nut
3 boxes Banana Creme Shake Momentum
1 box Banana Crème Shake Regular
1 box Mixed Berry Momentum flavor infuser
1 box Green Tea Momentum flavor infuser
3 boxes Rasberry Acai Antioxident
1 White Grape Peach Flavor Infuser Antioxidant
2 Strawberry Lemonade Momentum Flavor Infuser
1 box mixed antioxidant and momentum Flavor infusers

I’ll throw in for free the following:

2 packets Hot Cocoa drink
3 packets chocolate Appetite Suppression Shakes
1 packet Dark Chocolate shake
3 packets Chai Latte hot drink
2 packets Dutch Chocolate shake
4 packets Momentum Cappuccino Hot Driks
2 packets Cherry Pomegranate
1 packet Momentum Banana Crème shake
3 packets Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal
4 packets Chocolate Pudding
2 packets Green Tea flavor infuser
Medifast Recipes Book

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