Self Sabatoge.....I need help

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Self Sabatoge.....I need help

Postby Finally_Losing » July 6th, 2006, 3:44 am

I just started the program almost 2 weeks ago and have fallen off plan several times since this past Saturday. I don't know what the problem is, the food is good, I'm not usually hungry until it's time to eat. I want to lose this weight. But I do 100% at work without difficulty. When I get home, for some reason it goes out the window and all I can do is obsess about food that isn't on the plan. Cheese, chocolate, milk, and corn.......I can't function without thinking about them. I try doing other things to take my mind off food but it's like I'm frantic about these things and my brain won't work. What is wrong with me???? Am I the only one that feels this way? If not, how do you deal with it? This program isn't hard, I've done others that were much harder (more preparation, etc) for longer periods of time.

Any advice???

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Postby kmr » July 6th, 2006, 5:08 am

It's human nature to want what you know you can't have. Just tell yourself that you can't have those things for now, but it's not forever. Once you reach you're goal weight, you can have those things again in moderation. What's more important ? Losing the weight or eating those foods right now instead of in the future. Those foods will still be around after you reach your goal weight. They're not going anywhere. I've been where you are many times and I'm just starting back on the plan myself, but I'm realizing that it's all in the mind. Good luck. Keep posting. We are all here to support one another.
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Postby VTGirlie » July 6th, 2006, 7:39 am

It definitely is a slippery slope. All I can tell you is that if you can get past 4 or 5 days, the loss in inches and pounds is motivation enough to stay on the plan and the hungry munchies seem to fade away. Can you make a time commitment to yourself to stay on plan for a certain number of days (Say, 10) with a reward for being compliant? Sometimes I have to talk myself into things day-by-day. :)
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Postby Arklahoma » July 6th, 2006, 7:53 am

For me, what works best is a total mindset change. Just telling myself "no excuses" and "just do it" really works. I know this sounds silly but for me it works like this. I'm going about my day, following the plan, and then wham ~ co-workers order pizza (or some other debacle) ~ If I don't say no immediately then I start ruminating ... hmmm, maybe just one piece, how long would it take me to get back to ketosis, etc. For me, I cannot even let those thoughts enter my mind. I have to just make up my mind, in advance, that I am not going to go off-plan, no matter what.

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Postby Finally_Losing » July 6th, 2006, 8:11 am

You ladies are so motivational...I don't know what is wrong...Normally I'm pretty determined in things. I'm guessing my head isn't where it needs to be for this to work......I need to work on that. :)

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Postby LiLYipper » July 6th, 2006, 8:29 am

Arklahoma wrote:For me, what works best is a total mindset change. Just telling myself "no excuses" and "just do it" really works. I know this sounds silly but for me it works like this. I'm going about my day, following the plan, and then wham ~ co-workers order pizza (or some other debacle) ~ If I don't say no immediately then I start ruminating ... hmmm, maybe just one piece, how long would it take me to get back to ketosis, etc. For me, I cannot even let those thoughts enter my mind. I have to just make up my mind, in advance, that I am not going to go off-plan, no matter what.


Man oh Man!!! This REALLY hit home with me!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! This was my problem the last time I did mf!!!! It started with mulling around the "idea" of a little of this or a little of that...before I knew it, I was back out of control!!! You are SO right Arklahoma! I have to nip that thought as soon as it creeps into my head!!! I have to stop entertaining thoughts of cheating!!! WOW...what an eye opener :shock:
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Postby supermom » July 6th, 2006, 8:31 am

Hey Amy!! I have the same problem. I have 3 kids and a husband in the house, so I could not just get it all out of here. I used to tell people (jokingly) no thanks, it give me diarrhea. Who wants diarrhea. If people think it will make you sick, they won't offer it again. Seriously, though, it is a mind game. I know what that stuff tastes like. And, I have found ways to improvise. In the lean cuisine, there are recipes for brownies, cookies, ice cream and fudgey drops. These are all really good and they make it seem more like "real" food. I make it up in advance. Then, when the ice cream truck comes by, I get my kids a treat and we all sit out on the porch and I eat my medifast ice cream. Before bed when they are having a snack, I will munch on a MF cookie while I read to them. It has helped me not want the other stuff, because it looks like the other stuff. Cheese, too. I will have the low fat or fat free version with my l&g on occassion. And as for the milk, I have a HUGE milk craving all the time. Some others on the forum suggested that I might substitute a glass of fat free milk for one of my medimeals occassionally. I do this about 3 days a week. It has helped. You can do this. TAME THE BEAST!!!

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Postby Arklahoma » July 6th, 2006, 9:08 am

Amy ~ Just remember that this is a process and you ARE getting it. We're all here for you.

LiLYipper ~ So glad this was helpful for you. I know once I allow myself to think about it, then it starts to snowball.

SuperMom ~ Another great idea! Gastrointestinal issues will stop most people from offering food.
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Postby Arklahoma » July 6th, 2006, 9:14 am

YIKES ~ I have no idea what just happened!!!
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Postby Arklahoma » July 6th, 2006, 9:54 am

I know ~ I just tried, but to no avail.
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Postby TheShadow » July 6th, 2006, 10:35 am

I haven't had any trouble with cheating. Believe me, it's not that I haven't been tempted. It's just that I don't, and here's what I have done to stay on the straight and narrow. I made one decision. That is to do this plan until I'm done. Until I reach goal weight. There are no "free" days, no going off plan just for this week. No just a glass of this or that. I just make one decision and then I don't have to agonize over and over again about "maybe I'll just have one". The answer to every question about whether or not I will cheat is "NO". I will not cheat, I will not have "bad days". There just will be no more excuses. I've reached the end of my own tolerance for being fat and nothing and no one is going to make this take any longer than it has to. I am on this diet until I am off. So far I have survived a weekend at the lake with friends. A camping trip and next week is my vacation and my anniversary. The answer to all my future cheating questions for the next 3 months is "NO". Just decide once and for all that the answer is "NO". And there will be no more decisions or bargaining with yourself, no remorse, no "I feel so bad". You can do it. It takes such a burden from my shoulders. My husband is just shocked that there has been no backsliding, etc. I told him that this just makes it easier for me. I still want those forbidden foods, but I won't punish myself by eating them and then having to diet for even longer to lose the weight that they put back on me. Try it. Ask yourself how bad you really want to weigh your goal weight. the answer is, of course, "more than anything". Good...more than you want that cake??? Yes, then step away from the cake. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
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Postby dede4wd » July 6th, 2006, 12:24 pm

I LOVED your post and found so many similarities to myself! I'm tired of being this large, I'm tired of being miserable, I'm tired of not feeling well. I found something that works well and works fast and NOTHING is worth slowing this down, no matter how much my head tells me I want it!

There just will be no more excuses. I've reached the end of my own tolerance for being fat and nothing and no one is going to make this take any longer than it has to. I am on this diet until I am off.

I agree totally! I will have those things in moderation when I am done...except this time, they will have no power over me...

Just decide once and for all that the answer is "NO". And there will be no more decisions or bargaining with yourself, no remorse, no "I feel so bad". You can do it. It takes such a burden from my shoulders. I still want those forbidden foods, but I won't punish myself by eating them and then having to diet for even longer to lose the weight that they put back on me. Try it. Ask yourself how bad you really want to weigh your goal weight. the answer is, of course, "more than anything". Good...more than you want that cake??? Yes, then step away from the cake. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

Exactly! I have these periods where I say "why me?" and I have a pity party because I can't have those things other people can, but I can't argue with my results and NOTHING is worth the cheat to me! I cheated last year and spent almost a year trying to get back on program. I won't do that again!

Post often and I wish you luck!

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Postby Nova » July 6th, 2006, 2:02 pm

TheShadow wrote: Just decide once and for all that the answer is "NO". And there will be no more decisions or bargaining with yourself, no remorse, no "I feel so bad". You can do it. It takes such a burden from my shoulders. My husband is just shocked that there has been no backsliding, etc. I told him that this just makes it easier for me. I still want those forbidden foods, but I won't punish myself by eating them and then having to diet for even longer to lose the weight that they put back on me. Try it. Ask yourself how bad you really want to weigh your goal weight. the answer is, of course, "more than anything". Good...more than you want that cake??? Yes, then step away from the cake. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

What an amazing post. You put into words exactly how I feel. I made that decision too, and it's been amazingly easy to stick to the program. I've been tempted, sure, and I've had plenty of pity parties for myself, but at the same time, I know the program is working for me, and I'm finally doing something that works, after all these years.

You're exactly right. When you decide the answer is "No" ahead of time, it makes it all so much easier.

I tell myself when I get blue that I can have whatever it is I'm craving when I'm done, even though I know that I'll never be able to eat the way I used to. That's okay. It's those promises of far off rewards that get me through today. I'll worry about tomorrow when it comes. So far it's worked. 3+ months, not one cheat or off day yet.

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Postby TheShadow » July 6th, 2006, 3:12 pm

After I wrote that I thought "Wow, that just sort came out me like a rant." I'm so glad that people didn't think I was being harsh. I am harsh with myself, but I didn't intend to be harsh with others. But it really does make it easier to make one decision and just keep your word until you're done with this thing. If you feel like you gotta have something...I know that I get that way on the weekend....have a legal treat like sugar free popsicle or SF jello. I loaded up the fridge with them. I wish I liked dill pickles. I like the soy crisps, they solve my crunch obsession. And radishes or celery. Just not all in one day....
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Postby JKSRN » July 6th, 2006, 5:23 pm

Shadow, I loved your post! My thoughts, exactly. From the very first day, I told myself that 'yo-yo days are over, that I was not going to give up this time, nor would I cheat(and, I have not, not one single time in three months and don't plan to, either). Also, that if Medifast was going to be my final ticket to thin, then I was going to like the food, accept the food, and realize that it would never taste like 'regular' food. I did not have expectations of losing years of fat, overnight, or in so many months, etc.. I am learning portions and healthy foods and how to eat to my nutritional advantage. I am a slow loser due to a medical issue, and I accept this, because I am not looking for overnight miracles. I am only looking to get as healthy as I can. Goals? Not really necessary, at least not for me. But, by being healthier, I may very well live a bit longer to enjoy my grandson for a longer time frame! Thank you for your post Shadow! ;)
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