by TheShadow » July 7th, 2006, 9:04 am
Amy, you are doing the right thing. Get right back on the wagon, now, not tomorrow. You can do this. Come's really not that bad. Make that decision that you are not going to keep doing this to yourself. Everytime you fall off, it gives you one more chance to say "See what a failure I am". You are not a failure, and are not going to be one. You are going to stick to this because you are totally worth it. You want to be around for a long time and you want to be healthy and active and this is the way to get there. Don't let anything stand in your way. You are stronger than any inanimate object (food), so don't let it rule your life any longer. It's working for you this very minute and every minute you stay on plan is a fat burning minute. I'm going to tell you what my friend told me, she lost 140 lbs recently. She said "I'm wishing you strength. I'm not going to wish you luck, because luck has nothing to do with losing weight". Be strong and come here often for support.