It's Feb. 18, and I've been on MF for a total of two months and change, which includes one restart after a big holiday-time mistake! In two months, I've lost over 17 pounds. The funny thing is, it took me only one month to lose 13 pounds, then another month to lose 4! Aaagggh! But I'm so very happy I stuck with it, and am proud of myself.
I made it to 125.6 this morning, which isn't my usual weigh day (I like participating in the Sunday roll call), but I'm going away tonight for a few days and won't have my scale.

I'm leaving for a 4-day jaunt in Vegas with my husband that was planned pre-MF (doh!), and I want to enjoy some non-MF foods and beverages while I'm there, so I'm making a conscious choice to put MF on semi-hiatus until I return. I figure I will continue drinking gobs of water, I will have one shake and one bar per day, and will eat a light lunch of greens and lean protein. Dinner may be a different story, but I usually veer toward grilled fish, sushi, steamed veggies, and salads anyway, so I'll try to be good!
Anyway, I know that even though I'll go to the gym each day and will try to eat well if not perfectly, I'll probably have some damage to un-do when I return. But that's okay, because I realize for ONCE in my life that I am actually in control of my weight, thanks to MF. Just as I can choose to have a few extra calories in Vegas for a short time, I can (and will) choose to return to MF, and when (not if) I am compliant and patient, MF will help me lose whatever flabbage I might have gained to FINALLY SEE 125.0 OR BUST!!!

Anywho, at 125.6, I feel great, I look great (if I do say so myself!

So, I feel I have something to celebrate in Vegas, but I sure do realize now that NOTHING -- not even chocolate martinis -- tastes as good as 125.6 feels! Now, imagine how good 125.0 will feel....

I'll check in with y'all when I get back next week, and will post some pics. I hope everyone has a great (i.e., losing!) Sunday roll call and a great week in general. I couldn't have made it this close to goal without you all, and I wouldn't have found the determination to keep going to 125.0 without you, either!
Keep shakin'!