Self Assessment

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Self Assessment

Postby raederle » February 18th, 2005, 7:38 am

Well, since I made the mistake (;)) of pegging my goal weight to a specific date, now that the date has arrived, I gotta hold myself accountable and see where I am. So here goes.

It's Feb. 18, and I've been on MF for a total of two months and change, which includes one restart after a big holiday-time mistake! In two months, I've lost over 17 pounds. The funny thing is, it took me only one month to lose 13 pounds, then another month to lose 4! Aaagggh! But I'm so very happy I stuck with it, and am proud of myself.

I made it to 125.6 this morning, which isn't my usual weigh day (I like participating in the Sunday roll call), but I'm going away tonight for a few days and won't have my scale. :shock: I've been debating whether to declare victory at 125.6-- after all, I technically *did* see 125 on the scale, it just happened to be followed by some gibberish on the screen I couldn't quite make out... ;) But I think I've decided that I want to press on to 125.0, just to prove to myself that I can.

I'm leaving for a 4-day jaunt in Vegas with my husband that was planned pre-MF (doh!), and I want to enjoy some non-MF foods and beverages while I'm there, so I'm making a conscious choice to put MF on semi-hiatus until I return. I figure I will continue drinking gobs of water, I will have one shake and one bar per day, and will eat a light lunch of greens and lean protein. Dinner may be a different story, but I usually veer toward grilled fish, sushi, steamed veggies, and salads anyway, so I'll try to be good!

Anyway, I know that even though I'll go to the gym each day and will try to eat well if not perfectly, I'll probably have some damage to un-do when I return. But that's okay, because I realize for ONCE in my life that I am actually in control of my weight, thanks to MF. Just as I can choose to have a few extra calories in Vegas for a short time, I can (and will) choose to return to MF, and when (not if) I am compliant and patient, MF will help me lose whatever flabbage I might have gained to FINALLY SEE 125.0 OR BUST!!! :mrgreen:

Anywho, at 125.6, I feel great, I look great (if I do say so myself! :oops: ), I have no clothes that fit me (even my coats are too big-- who knew you could shrink out of a winter coat?), my rings are falling off, the pudge is gone from my face, and that size 4 Ann Taylor dress I bought on sale is actually loose! For this trip, I had to buy some new jeans so I'd have pants to wear, and I ended up fitting into juniors' size 7 and women's size 4/6. Heck, when I was a "junior," at age 12 or 13, I couldn't fit into junior sizes! The 13's were often still too small!

So, I feel I have something to celebrate in Vegas, but I sure do realize now that NOTHING -- not even chocolate martinis -- tastes as good as 125.6 feels! Now, imagine how good 125.0 will feel.... :mrgreen:

I'll check in with y'all when I get back next week, and will post some pics. I hope everyone has a great (i.e., losing!) Sunday roll call and a great week in general. I couldn't have made it this close to goal without you all, and I wouldn't have found the determination to keep going to 125.0 without you, either!

Keep shakin'!


High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
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Postby mindovermatter » February 18th, 2005, 7:46 am

Rae -

You're doing a great job. Be proud and empowered by your sucess and have a great time on your trip. That feeling of choices and control will keep you from going over the edge while still able to have fun.


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Postby 24KaratGold » February 18th, 2005, 8:28 am

125.6 is awesome! Have a great time, lady. I hope you win lot and lots, and have fun out of the bargain. We'll keep the light on for ya.

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Postby Sylvia » February 18th, 2005, 8:34 am


That is fantastic! Have a great time in Vegas. Your plan for vacation sounds good, but be careful. I don't recall whether you've been doing the full fast or the modified plan, but as you add back foods you haven't had for a long time, you can have serious stomach issues (which would be most unpleasant on vacation!). This will be more pronounced if you've been doing the full fast.

So just be careful with things like breads and fruits. Not only can they cause a bit of weight gain but they can also do a number on your digestive system.

Looking forward to hearing about your trip!

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Postby raederle » February 18th, 2005, 8:46 am

Thanks, guys! And thanks for the advice, Sylvia. I made the mistake of stuffing my face over the xmas holidays (which precipitated the restart!) without giving my stomach any warning. Let's just say it was a disastrous night-- I learned a lesson I'll never forget! :roll:

I've been on the 5&1 plan, which will make things a bit easier, and during the last week I've added some more calories and carbs in part to see if it would help rev up my metabolism and break thru this "stall," and in part to prepare my bod for more real food. The additional calories/carbs seem to have helped (still losing, if slowly), so I hope I've prepped myself... Only one way to find out! I will remember your words of wisdom at 2 am when I am running to the bathroom, clutching my aching gut! ;)

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Postby monkeymom » February 18th, 2005, 11:59 am

Rae you're doing great! You're going to have such fun in Vegas in those itty-bitty jeans :)
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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 18th, 2005, 12:22 pm

Way to go Rae,

MF will be here when you get back, so no worries there. Have a spectacular time in Vegas. Say hi to Elvis for me!

I'm a little concerned about yours and Sylvias comments about adding in food. My husband and I are going on a cruise on March 6th. We will be totally going off MF for the time we are gone, and we thought we would eat regular food starting on 3/4. What kinds of issues can I expect? I have a 5 hour flight on the 6th, so want to be sure that I am "prepared". Any advice is greatly appreciated....

Have fun, and even though you are .6 from goal, you have made a tremendous accomplishment. Just perservering for a month and only losing 4 pounds without going off plan is excellent.

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Postby raederle » February 18th, 2005, 12:50 pm

Maura, I should tell you that what made me have issues over the holidays was a massive, drastic change in eating habits-- I fully deserved what I got! I had been 100% compliant but then, all in the space of 4 hours, ate a half block of cheese, half a can of peanuts, 4 glasses of beer, 2 glasses of champagne, plus a roast beef with yorkshire pudding... No wonder I had awful indigestion! I'm sure there's a better way to transition than that! I would think that giving yourself a week of gradually adding in food would be fine if you don't normally have a very sensitive stomach; I promise to test out that theory though, and will report back on how my experience goes. Let's hope for minimal G.I. upheaval! :mrgreen:

"See" you all soon!

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Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
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Postby Sylvia » February 18th, 2005, 12:53 pm


Are you on the full fast or modified plan? If you're on the full fast, I would suggest moving to the modified plan at least a week before your trip. If you're really going to be completely off the program, you might also want to do a mini transition to slowly acclimate your body to eating normal foods.

You absolutely can not go from MF to regular eating without a transition and not expect stomach problems. You also need to be cautious b/c cruise food is likely to be very rich.

I recall that someone on the forum went on a cruise a while back and did very well. You might do a search and get a sense of what she did.

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 18th, 2005, 12:59 pm

Thanks Sylvia, I will check out the other posts.

I am on the modified 5/1 plan. How many days do you think I need to give myself before the cruise?

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Postby smartiegrrl » February 18th, 2005, 3:23 pm

Rae: have fun on your trip!

I went off the 5&1 a week before our trip to Europe last year. I gradually added in food over the week, but I was still trying to stay within 1800 - 2200 calories. You'll find that you'll feel full *really* fast once you switch back to regular food. You'll probably need to eat a lot of small meals during the day. Towards the end of the week I was feeling hungry all the time, it seemed.

The first night in Rotterdam I just felt bloated and full - the uncomfotable kind, but it wasn't so much it made me miserable. It sure didn't stop me from drinking Jameson, arguing with some Brit about Jaguars and singing Karoke with the Dutch at the all-night bar. ;)

The plane will dry you out, so bring a lot of water with you. It helps you not retain water when you land.

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » February 18th, 2005, 3:30 pm

thanks for the heads up. I hadn't realized I needed to move back slowly. So I think if we leave on Sunday, I will start implementing more food in around Tuesday or so. Thanks alot. I would have hated to be miserable the first few days of the cruise.

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Postby scrabbler7 » February 18th, 2005, 4:08 pm

Jodi ---

Enjoy the Vegas jaunt! Please make sure to post pics when you get back -- Imagine a size 4 dress that's too loose. AWESOME!!!

I know you will do well with your choices -- you have been very solid and very committed. Nothing is going to change your mind about where you want to be in your "weight" life.

We will all be here when you get back waiting for all the stories. Enjoy girlfriend!
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Postby jene115 » February 18th, 2005, 7:25 pm

Rae, first of all, before they had scales that weighed in 2/10 of a pounds, you would have never known you weren't exactly 125. Remember it's only been recently where scales would weight in less than one pound increments. You've done great girl!!

Have a wonderful time in Vegas with your hubby. Don't overdo it because that gastric distress is killer and you definitely don't want to undo your hard work. I hope you get to work out at Gold's Gym in Vegas. I was there in 2000 and had a fantastic workout there and it was memorable.

Can't wait to hear from you when you return. Have fun!
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