My stepson is getting married on Sunday evening. We are driving up to Baltimore tonight.
I would like to ask for prayers for our trip and for me. My weightloss has plateaued and even though I've remained the exact same weight for two weeks, I am still a little

discouraged. -- especially when my first self-imposed mini-goal was to have lost 30 pounds by the wedding. I have tried drinking more shakes (instead of my beloved puddings), drinking more water, and not eating beef for my L&G... I had hubby pull out the scale this morning because I told him that I HAD to know what I weighed before we left town -- still the same!
Anyway, there's going to be lots of temptations in my path this weekend and even though I've planned out my meals, I'm so afraid that evil

voice is going to tell me that I can 'cheat' and just re-start when we get home... Hubby says he hates it when I go on weight loss programs and get discouraged because I become so down on myself and obsessed.
I have been praying that my attitude would be better and that God will teach me to be patient and see the 'bright'

side so I won't give in.
Have a great weekend everyone and I'll check-in when I get back home and to my 'puter!