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Postby martha » August 27th, 2005, 9:02 am

Hey everyone--

As alot of you know we tried starting a secret pal kinda thing awhile back..Tink was handling it but I haven't been able to get in touch with her in anyway or form.. so I was wondering if any of you would like to be added to the list..I could send it out to everyone who is interested and we could just support anyone on the list.. I would be willing to try and figure out another way to do this BUT am not to smart about the computer thing yet.. still learning alot..That is why I personally have been trying to get cards and PM out to everyone I already have on the 1st list.. Please add your birthday(year not necessary) as I try to let everyone know when it is on the forum and in the mail with a card..I love sending out the cards and I know how it can sometimes brighten up a person who is struggling with all kinds of problems daily or weekly....It surely helps me on this end..
Now you can just PM or email me with these things--
1) Your forum name first
2) your real name
3) your address
4) your birthday
5) and favorite MF product(soup-shake or bars or whatever)

I promise to stay on this forum and continue to try and help each one of you in anyway I can.. alot of you have asked me how I know the b.dates and this is how.. if you are interested just send me your info and I will send a list to every one interested through the forum..
Look forward to any new ones interested and who knows I might just figure out how to do the secret pals thingy.. It really makes a person smile to just get a card our of the blue or a note saying you are thinking of them that day or week.. 1 time a month is all that is really needed to help some of our friends stay motivated..I know as I am one of those people..Thanks alot..Martha

ps.-- for any of you already on the list who don't want to continue receiving the cards just feel free to drop me a note about it and I will delete your name at once..I really will understand and don't want to be a bother to anyone..Martha
Started MF-4/18/2005
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Postby fatfree » August 27th, 2005, 8:07 pm

Hi Martha! I think this is a great idea, I sent you a PM :mrgreen:

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Postby martha » August 27th, 2005, 11:22 pm

Hi everyone--

as you all know we are about 30 miles form Gulfport and Biloxi Ms coastline and in the path of this hurricane.. The winds are suppose to be around 155 miles per hour.. as soon as the power is back on(they are predicting about 3 days) I will contact everyone who PM'ed me about this..I have sent some pm's out but am in the middle of packing as we speak.. My mom is not wanting to leave so we will be at my sons house..He doesn't have a computer and I don't have room to take mine..I have 2 trips of meds and special things (oxygen tanks-breathing machines-meds-etc) for well as the necessary things such as water-food -flashlights and all.Please keep us in your prayers and everyone in the path of this storm from Fla to Texas as it is a bad one and no matter where it hits we will be to the east side and that's not where we want to be in any storm..I am still sick and don't want to deal with this either.. I will be thinking of you all and hope you all have a great week..Martha
Started MF-4/18/2005
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secret pals or something like it

Postby Guest » August 29th, 2005, 4:59 pm

Hi Martha
I just found this web site.
I just got the medifast today. I'm going to start it tomorrow.
What is secret pals?

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