Second time round

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Second time round

Postby Amanda » September 22nd, 2004, 7:37 am

Hello All-
It's been a while since I've posted, about a month or so. Well I am still here and I'm happy to say I haven't gained any weight back after slipping off the wagon at my 34# loss. Basically I got sick for 2 weeks couldn't keep keep any food down, or shakes either. So after I got better and started eating i just gradually started having less and less MF until I was eventually having no shakes. Why am I here? Well I feel now how i felt when I first started MF -fat, ugly, out of shape, tired etc. When i lost that 30# i felt great and thought I looked great, but I still wasn't at my goal. Now that I've got used to this weight I don't notice the loss, i notice the excess, and its time for me to lose this. I read Geralds post in the elevator about his daily schedule, and it made me realize i NEED to do this NOW, or i could easily gain all my weight back and more. I still have all of my MF products i just need to get off my butt and start again. And now with this added incentive of $$ from Gerald, I'm going to do it. I was able to lose 35# before with MF and the support of the forum, and I'm ready to do it again. I've said this before, but I didn't have the motivation, and now I do. I know this will be hard but i just need to get past the first 3 days again and from there - seeing the scale go down gives me so much motivation. Thanks for all your support in the past and I hope you'll be here for me this second time around.
Peace & Love,

Start Date: 5/14/2004

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Postby elle4nelly » September 22nd, 2004, 8:10 am

Hi Amanda!

Welcome back!
We all ( most of us) have fallen on and off the Train to Thinville. But I'll tell you what, I'm glad you're giving it another try.
I notice your stat and I see that we have a close amount of weight to lose. I restarted for the last time on 8/31/04. I won't look back less it is to see what went wrong. New years Eve is 14 weeks+2 days away. I have decided that rather than moping arond about time loss and all that blah blah...I just need to get a grip and get back on.
14 weeks and 2 days add up to 100 days!!!
All I 've got to do ( and it is a hard task) is JUST DO IT!! Keep moving forward and On New Years Eve I could shed anywhere between 42 lbs to 70 lbs. ( That's 3-5 a week).
So I could possibly reach a goal of 150lbs in the best case worst..I'd be in the 170 lbs bracket.

If you do the same...You'll never EVER see the scale pass 200lbs EVER again!!!!!

I hope this alone should motivate you.

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 22nd, 2004, 10:28 am


OF COURSE we're all here for you the second time around! Come on join the THIN TRAIN! RIDE ON THE THIN TRAIN! (thinking of Cat Steven's song Peace Train). It's on schedule, always running, and makes any and all stops necessary to pick up old and new friends. Nelly and the rest of us are happy to have you aboard - here we go! Feeling Easy Breezy Beautiful on the Thin Train! :toast:

Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
Oct lost 12#=129#
Nov lost 4#=125#
70 lbs in 5 1/2 mos!
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Postby Carrie » September 22nd, 2004, 1:15 pm

Hi Amanda,

Glad to have you back.

You, Nelly and I seem to have close to the same stats. From when we started to where we 'stalled' out and now here we are giving it another whirl.

What is it about the 220 range that makes us contented enough to be complacent???? I was so tickled when I first lost it, but now am dissatisfied and feel it's time to get with it.

We can do this! And hey we only have 100 days till the new year, so we'd better get crakin'!

Welcome Back!
Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
1st time: 3/1/04, from 266.5 to 195.4
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Postby elle4nelly » September 23rd, 2004, 7:47 am

Carrie You are so right!!!!!!!!!!

I have been as heavy as 268# in the past and in the recent past few years, all my attempts to lose weight have gone off track when I reach the 216-225 # range.

I have noticed that many times. So busting under 199lbs is going to be my biggest dieting achievement in a few years. Cannot wait anymore. I lost so much time now I'm rushing out of this 200+ bracket.

Wecan all do this.....Just yesterday i was reading some psychology stuff...and I read that " the desire for change is at his highest when we reach the utmost Fed up point with our current situation. Thus until we reach that point, change is unlikely".

I was like ...Wow that is true.... Because I kept felling off teh wagon and one day I GOT FED UP AND ANGRY..... Been on that train for 3 1/2 weeks now and all I want for now is prove myself that I can get to at least a number below 200lbs. I would be so proud of myself!!

So let's all get dusted off and get to work...... in 99 days it will be new years and all 3 of us can be pretty small by then!

Ready ? 1 2 3 get set...GO!

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Postby Carrie » September 23rd, 2004, 8:15 am


Isn't it wierd that our 'trouble' numbers correspond so closely???

I have been gaining and losing this same 8 pounds for almost three months now. It has occurred to me that If I would just get off my duff and finish the job, I could be doing this maintenance at my goal weight!

My mini-goal is still to get below 200 for my 35th birthday in November - I want that so bad I can't stand it!!!

When I think about it I do believe it has something to do with desperation. When I started out at 266.5, I was at the end of my rope. I felt that it was either do something about it or just surrender to the fat and food and eat everything and anything. I think that 'fed-up-ness' is why I made the progress I did. Then I got to a smaller size and the desperation and fedupness faded. I was SO HAPPY to put my clothes on and wear some smaller sizes. Now some time has gone by and I realize I'm still fat. I put on clothes now and am unhappy, and that has created a new wave of fedupness, and several attempts to get back on the program, and finally I got to the 'can't stand it anymore' level, fed up with my weight and myself and that finally pushed me to get going again.

And I also believe that for me I'm entering what my unconscious thinks of as 'dangerous territory', it's scary to think of being thin - so all that unconscious stuff has to be resolved.

I'm so sick of it Nelly, sick enough that I am going to persevere even if I have to re-start 100 times. (Don't get me wrong, I'd rather just get it done all at once) But I am at my limit. No more for me. As long as it takes, I am not giving up. I may not make my goal of 135 (that may be a little too unattainable) but I will persevere until my BMI is out of the 'overweight' category. I may still cave to daily excuses once in a while, but long term I have NO EXCUSES left, and I'm working on focusing on that.

What makes me mad is that I learn some of these lessons OVER AND OVER. If I would've just stuck to the plan I'd be at least 30 pounds lighter right now. If I had not eaten during the evacuation and then gotten sick I would be in the 2-teens instead of losing these old 6 pounds again. And I have a date tomorrow - I coulda maybe worn my smaller pants.

I am gonna get there - even if I have to drag myself kicking and screaming the whole way! I think this anger is good for both of us, it's motivating, and it's directed at creating positive change.

99 days and counting!

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
1st time: 3/1/04, from 266.5 to 195.4
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Postby Sylvia » September 23rd, 2004, 8:38 am

I think you guys are right. You really have to get mad and determined and completely unwilling to do this anymore for this to work. Before MF, I had tried umpteen thousand diets and failed and/or regained any weight I had lost with all of them. In the past, I would never have considered a plan like MF b/c I would have just thought I could never have done it.

This time I was really resolved that this had to happen once and for all. Once I had researched MF and decided it was the plan for me, I became totally focused on making it work. Most importantly, I did not allow myself to have even one lapse because I was too worried about how one lapse would lead to another and before you know it...

Now that I'm approaching my goal weight I'm honestly almost surprised that I've actually stuck this out. I've been doing this consistently for 4 1/2 months now. For the first time in my life, I have confidence that I will get to my goal weight. Almost more importantly, I think I've come a long way in mastering the food issues I've had almost all of my life so that once I get to goal I can stay there.

I can assure you that I am no different than you guys. I would actually bet that you have all had more weight loss success in your pasts than I have. You can all do this - just never waver from your goal and make this THE priority in your life right now. It's really only for a short time...

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Postby Carrie » September 23rd, 2004, 8:47 am

I think you and Sheryl make an important point - and one that I missed before I started.

Both of you were 100% committed to doing this before you started. You'd planned it, thought about it, and were set in your path.

When I placed my first order, it was really out of a moment of great depression about my weight, and the corresponding desperation. I hadn't thought it out before hand, or committed to it, I just ordered it on a whim. I figured I'd 'give it a try'. I think I had this attitude because I figured that I'd just fail anyway, so why build myself up to fail again....

So I think that's a big difference between your experience and mine. You were committed to start with. I started out, experienced some initial success but then faded away - I was never really committed to seeing it through and so that's what I have to work through now - getting myself to the fully committed state. I think that one little detail makes all the difference in the world.

Today is tough - the department is having a Mexican buffet for lunch and they've been cooking all morning, the smells are just KILLIN' me! I just keep thinking 'You can eat it later, right now it's more important to follow your plan.' I'm going to leave a bit early and take a long lunch, to get myself away from this stuff. Sheesh.

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
1st time: 3/1/04, from 266.5 to 195.4
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Postby explorthis » September 23rd, 2004, 8:58 am

I would actually bet that you have all had more weight loss success in your pasts than I have.

I bet you would be surprised, most of us have had little or no success, thus we are part of that 2/3 of the world that is either O/W or obese!!! (At least for me anyway)

Mexican buffet for lunch and they've been cooking all morning, the smells are just KILLIN' me!

No it’s not, you just think it is. Tell me ½ hour after it’s ALL cleaned up, and you successfully had nothing, that the light goes on and your just so proud of yourself – realizing you DO HAVE POWER. Am I wrong? Or, do you sit around hours after hating life, because a meal passed you by? Doubt it. It is a mental game that you will long play with yourself way after Medifast is finished - trust me.
Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Guest » September 23rd, 2004, 9:45 am

This thread is Fabulous! And I agree with all. Carrie, I’m glad you’re finally angry. :x :x I’m right there with you! I keep telling myself that if I hadn’t gotten sick, and on / off Medifast the last 7 months I WOULD BE AT GOAL or at least within 20lbs of it. See? I’m getting angrier as I type this. :x Now, it’s a DO or DIE FAT situation. I told myself: “You are OUT of control!! Either you accept yourself AS you are. Agree that Fat is okay. Eat whatever you want and Screw Medifast and any diet ever again...
I opted to lose it once and for all. These are the best years of my life and they are passing me by. I am Furious at my self and oh yeah….I’m dragging myself down to Goal…BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY!! 99 days and counting.
YOU Carrie will get to 135lbs. Trust me, there’s a euphoria that sets in as you get really small and you will want to reach that 135lbs. YOU WILL!! And screw the smell of anything Carrie!! YOU ARE ON A Mission here. New Years Eve will find you at least 35lbs down. That’s it!! No sabotage is worth it. Just being below 200lbs would be a treat for us already. So let’s go get those 199lbs. Amanda, are you in? Sylvia and Mike? I want to be determined like you too. Thanks for your wonderful support.

The On/OFF is OFF for Good!! December 31st will FIND ME no less than 45 lbs down. I CANNOT AND WILL NOT spend another year Yo-Yoing. I want to start living before it’s too late.

Wow, I am fueled now for the rest of the day…..I’m on a one way runaway train to Thinville! Anything standing in my way will be run over!! Just watch me!

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Postby Sylvia » September 23rd, 2004, 12:07 pm


You go girl!

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Postby Carrie » September 24th, 2004, 7:47 am


I *hate* to say this, but you were right! <wink>

I declined the Mexican binge-o-rama. What I had was a small side salad with a tablespoon of salsa for 'dressing'. Was a treat and I didn't break any rules.

Was rewarded with a 1.4 pound drop this morning.

As we speak, errr, as I type, they're in the kitchen reheating it all for leftovers, and I'm NOT HAVIN' ANY! Woohoo!

And I did not spend my evening moping because I wished I had eaten, instead I just felt good about myself for resisting temptation.

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
1st time: 3/1/04, from 266.5 to 195.4
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 24th, 2004, 10:18 am

:yeah: Go Carrie! Go Carrie! Go Carrie! :yeah:

Gotta be macho to resist a nacho - You're doin' it Girl! MAN! That's not easy! Thanks for your inspiration today!

Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
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Nov lost 4#=125#
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Postby elle4nelly » September 24th, 2004, 11:44 am

That's my Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're UP and Running now Carrie.....looks like there's no stopping you right now!!!
Go on with your Rock On self! You mean Business now!!

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Postby explorthis » September 24th, 2004, 12:09 pm

And I did not spend my evening moping

I am glad.

However, please tell me you did spend the evening mopping instead as you should, uh, have, uh......


I am glad.

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