My Second Day and Going to the Bathroom Non-stop

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My Second Day and Going to the Bathroom Non-stop

Postby momof2 » April 2nd, 2006, 12:09 pm

Hi All, today is my second day and I'm already amazed at how little I can eat and not be hungry afterward. My mentality was that I finished everything on my plate.. especially when eating out. Now I have a shake or bar and I'm ok. I still feel like I want to eat more, but I figure in time I will re-program myself and learn to eat the way we are supposed to.

I'm an avid boredom snacker and have been cleaning the house non-stop to keep from snacking. My husband is happy that he gets off cleaning duty for a while. :D

Ok now, what's up with the need to use the bathroom every hour? I feel like that first month of pregnancy! Will this go away with time or is this how Medifast gets us to exercise by running to the bathroom so often? j/k!

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Postby dede4wd » April 2nd, 2006, 12:30 pm

Hi Mom of 2!

Glad you're with us! It definitely is a matter of re-programming. I have always said my weight loss was 80% mental, but now I think it's more than that! I still clean my plate, I just have a smaller plate with more on it! Keep cleaning that house, nervous energy keeps me from snacking!

As for the toitty trot, it levels out after a while. I couldn't make it an hour when I was a newbie! Now I drink my water around when I'll be around a toitty. I still go A LOT more than I used to, but before I started the plan, my pee was so dark I thought it'd come out Jello! Can you say dehydrated? What was I doing to my system? I'm surprised my kidneys didn't go on strike!

Plus I never drank water, I drank Diet Coke! I am so much happier and healthier since beginning the program, I can't even tell you. Don't get me wrong, I pee a lot more than before the plan, but it's not ridiculous anymore! You just find your groove. Mine is about 100oz of h20 a day. You'll find yours!

No MF doesn't want your exercise to be trotting to the toitty, they want it to be jumping up and down on the scale because we're winning!

Great job so far! Glad you're here! Ask us anything you need to!


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Postby momof2 » April 2nd, 2006, 12:41 pm

DeDe, thanks for the reply!! I'm definitely a newbie because I checked the clock everytime I went to the bathroom and it was about once an hour. Glad to hear that will settle down in time. I've always been a good water drinker, but I did step it up a little yesterday to keep from snacking and make sure I got it all in for the day.

This program is definitely what I was looking for, not a diet but something to teach me how to eat. You're right about jumping on the scale.. I was surprised to see 4 lbs in one day but I was bad and had a "last meal" of pasta the day before I started the program so I figure I was just burning that off.


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Postby lauradr » April 2nd, 2006, 1:46 pm

momof2, Welcome :D The bathroom gets better as you lose !!!!
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby falisamarie » April 2nd, 2006, 2:01 pm

Yes the trips to the potty do get better with time....but I must admit that still....Image

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Postby Loribug » April 2nd, 2006, 3:18 pm

Can't wait to see your first weigh in. It will be alot of water weight from the sound of it but my motto is a pound is a pound!
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Postby momof2 » April 2nd, 2006, 3:39 pm

falisamarie, sometimes I wonder if I'm going to make it to the bathroom in time. :D

Loribug, thanks! I can't wait either. I was looking over everyone's results this morning and everyone is doing so well. I'm very motivated to check in on Sunday.

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Postby Jan » April 2nd, 2006, 8:42 pm

Hi there,
There's an old post titled something like you know you're on MF if -- and one was "where ever you got you stake out the bathroom first" Yup we're still looking for it but not running quite as fast. Plus you'd all laugh at us when we fly. We sit in the back portion of the plane -- yup -- close to the potty :mrgreen:
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